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Bakugo's POV:

I was sat with deku on his hospital bed cuddling up to each other while waiting for it to be time for deku to leave this shit hole

It turned to lunchtime as his nurse came into the room with food for the both of us since I refused to leave him alone for even a minute

Deku's face dropped almost immediately after seeing the food in her hands, passing us both a tray.

Deku said he just wasn't hungry earlier but anyone can fucking tell he wasn't just not hungry

The nurse then left the room while as soon as she left deku started pushing the food far away from himself not wanting to look at it


He going to end up really fucking sick if he carrys this on for fuck sake

"Mhm.." He says with a slight mumble faceing away from me and the food

He really fucking worries me some time I can't lose him,I was extremely worried about him even if I never admit to

"Deku you have to be hungry now,since at breakfast you only ate 1/4 of a slice" I say trying to cover my worry with a slightly angry tone

"No..." He says with a low voice even if he wasn't facing me I could tell he was starting to tear up and it fucking hurts me so much

"Please, deku,just I don't know, just eat something you've just been thought a ton of shit recently and put your body through a hell of a lot of harm not eating isn't going to help yourself at getting better" I say almost tearing up myself

He just stays silent shaking his head

"Deku." I say with a serious tone

"Why don't you want to eat deku?!"

"I'm not hungry!" He says, raising his voice loudly and then he starts to sob afterwards

I go silent. The only things you could hear were a sniff coming from him every few moments

"Fine, okay, don't eat then!" I say with a pissed tone after a while

"I'm gonna fucking go then." while I start getting off the bed to leave the room

I hesitantly leave the room in anger

As soon as I loudly close the door behind me I storm out side of the hospital into a quiet place away from everyone and I put my back to the wall of the hospital slowly sliding down and start to cry

It fucking hurt so bad I didn't want to see him like this he doesn't deserve any of this! I don't even know why he tried to fucking hurt himself and try to..


And I just fucking left him now shit why the fuck would I just leave him there when he's having a hard time I just fucking leave him there!

Why is he so scared of food anyway? This is the second time he's cried over food he's 100% not just hungry, but why why the hell not eat! Is this something I tell the doctors? Fuck!

To be continued..

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now