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Izuku's POV:

Water begins to swell in my eyes

"I-I t-theres nothing going o-on sir I'm fine realy.."

He looked at me with sorrow and empathy before pulling me into a loose hug?

"It's okay, Midoriya."

My eyes widen. It's okay? Just by them few words, I felt comfort I haven't felt in almost a decade

He pulled out of the hug and just looked at me

"Problem child, I can tell something is wrong even if you're not willing in saying so or even realising,"

I look down at my feet and play around with my fingers, knowing that exactly what Aizawa was saying was completely correct on so many factors

"Please, Midoriya,I'm not going to force you to say anything, but it would be so much better for you to let it out its not good to keep things to yourself if your only going to get upset by it and whatever is wrong is causing you any sort of harm"

I look at him and open my mouth slightly,I was about to start to explain everything,everything that happened that day up to today but I knew it was better to not to cause other people to worry and give me pity

I slowly close my mouth again. I look at him and just look back at the floor

"I-I can't im s-sorry.."  I spoke up with my soft tears running down each side of my cheeks,I was so thankful that I was wearing waterproof make-up at this moment

He gives me a sad smile and puts his  hand on my shoulder

"It's okay,Midoriya,"
"Please just try to think about telling me, alright?" He gives me another sad hafe smile

I couldn't tell him,not like he would care anyways he was probably only asking me because it was his job to keep his students okay and report back on any situation out of the school and inside,and even if he did slightly care it was wrong of me to share my problems with others when they were probably going through there own things

"O-okay, I'll try to.."

"Okay,thank you, problem child" he says, removing his hand of my shoulder and reaching a small box of white tissue from off of his oak wood desk, and pulling out a few and handing them to me

"T-thank y-you sir.."

I almost pat the tissues onto my eyes and cheeks, not wanting to smudge the make-up across my face. Sure, it was waterproof, but it was serenely not breakdown proof

"C-can I go n-now S-sir?"

"Mhm,just... try to take care of yourself, Midoriya," he says with a small sigh

I just give a small nod and leave the classroom 

To be continued...

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now