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Aizawa's POV: warning ⚠️

I was about to start class when katchan ran out of the classroom extremely concerned about something. I knew something was wrong

Then it hit me problem child wasn't there

I got another teacher to cover the class as I when I decided I had to find him and Midoriya guessing where one of them where the other would be I was looking around the school to find them both untill I hear something that stopped my heart for a second coming from the boy's toilets


I quickly ran to the toilets and to what I saw my eyes widened and my heart dropped.Bakugo was crying with a bleeding close to unconsciousness Izuku in his arms, telling him not to close his eyes and panicking to hell then I started to panic but tried to calm down knowing if I didn't problem child gone

I ran up to both of the boys and told bakugo to move out of the way and call an ambulance as I ripped off 2 large pieces of my shirt off me with my hands shaking. I wrapped the fabric tightly around the inflicted wounds on him arms and applied pressure as I heard little cries coming from the young kid

"C-come on problem child hang in there please.."I say with tears falling down my cheeks.

God, I knew he was upset and not himself, but I didn't know he was in this much pain to hurt himself like this,I wasn't sure if he was trying to.....yk himself....or not but,I didn't know if he was coming out of this alive...

"T-the a-ambulance i-is nearly h-here"

He comes next to me and problem child as he just plays with the boys' green hair, trying to comfort him as he is sobbing

"Kacchan.....?" He says with a small breath

"Yes,yes it's me I-Izuku say with us Izuku okay..?" I start crying myself as the ambulance finally arrived

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now