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Extremely sorry for not updating in like a month or so,I was tempted to stop writing due to writers block,just a fluff filler so I can get back into writing again <3

Third person POV:

They make it back to izukus house and they make there way into izukus room

"Kacchannnn" deku says needy and clingy

"Yes my nerd?" He says, chuckling at how needy he's being

"Cuddles..? Pleaseee.."

Bakugo laughs "come here nerd" he says siting on dekus bed with open arms

Deku smile softly and makes his way into bakugos lap and places his head onto bakugos chest cuddling into him

"Shit your adorable nerd" bakugo chuckles playing with izukus hair while Izuku blushes cuddling into him more

"Kacchan?" He says looking up to him

"Mhm?" Bakugo says moving his hair away from his face

"Would you love me if I was a worm?" He says seriously

Bakugo bursts out laughing "w-what kind of question is that why so seriously?" He says laughing in-between words

"Kacchan would you?"

Bakugo laughs more playing with izukus hair

"Sure nerd of course,I would get you your own little house habitat and take you everywhere I fucking go making sure your well fed and happy at all times"

Deku smiles and cuddle into him more

After a few minutes izuku asks another question


"Yes nerd?" He says smiling

"Would you love me if I was an ant?"He says seriously

"An ant?" Bakugo says, chuckling holding izuku

"Mhm? Would you still love me..?"

Bakugo laughs more and rubs izukus back "listen nerd,I don't care what you are,I'll always love you more then my own life,I truly fucking love you Izuku"

Deku smile cuddling into bakugo
"Thank you...I love you too.."

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now