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Izukus pov:

"Mmm" I said due to the warmth that kacchan gave out while my voice was also muffled

He lets out a small laugh and starts messing with my hair

We just stayed there for a while, enjoying the comfort of one another until we heard footsteps coming to the door and the door slowly reopened

I picked my head back up from kacchan chest quickly and turned my head around to the way of the hospital room

Mr Smith came through the door with a smile as I was still sitting on kacchan lap due to his grip still around me,

"Hey kido," he walk up towards me and kacchan and sat on the edge of the bed near us both

"I've got some good news kid,"

I tilt my head slightly, concerned and confused about what it might be

"You are being dismissed from the hospital today since you are doing so much better."

'I don't know whether i should be happy or sad about leaving,I obviously didn't want to stay here anymore then I already was but I didn't want to go back home not to my mum,I knew what was waiting for me back there as soon as I stepped throw the door of my house I was going to get my punishment and I could tell that it wasn't going to be a light punishment after what I have done and what about kacchan? Was he going to stop being so kind as soon as everything goes back to normal, and I'm back home? Would he start to bully me again as well? Was this all a stunt to try and get close to me to hurt me even more? What would my classmates think would they know,what would I say to them,they will hate me aswell as kacchan as soon as they find out what I have done.'

I didn't realise that I was mumbling half of everything that I was thinking until the whole room went silent

"D-did I say all of t-that?" I say concerned they knew everything

"Just some of it," Kacchan speaks up

I started to tear up slowly as I knew I royally messed up everything as I look down at myself, playing with my fingers in my lap, trying hard not to cry in front of kacchan for a second time today

"I think I'll leave you two work some things out. You'll be able to leave at 4:00pm later today,"he says while walking away with a smile

I knew then I had only said out loud the things about kacchan and school because of him leaving the room

"Deku.."kacchan says with a soft tone

I stay still looking at my lap as I was still in kacchan lap as well

"Deku, I don't hate you,I never have hated you."

My head quickly faces up to him as I see he had tears also swelling into his eyes

"W-what..?" Why would he used to bully me if he didn't hate me? He also said on multiple occasions that he does?

"I regret everything I have done to you and all the pain I have caused you.." He says with a tear, slowly dropping down his face

"You do..?"

"Yes, more than anything, deku." 

"I'm sorry." My eyes widened. I've never heard kacchan ever apologize to anyone no matter what he had done

A smile grows on my face as it does with kacchans as well until suddenly my heart starts beating faster than ever, and the small distance between us both starts to slowly fade away as kacchan slowly starts leaning to my lips until the distance was completely gone.

My eyes widened and then slowly closed as our lips were pressed against each others slowly.The kiss wasn't forceful or rough it was meaningfull and soft with warth all the way through the small kiss

Kacchan then pulls away to look at my expression

I was a blushing mess.

To be continued

Thank you sm to the ppl that are reading this giving votes,and commenting I wasn't expecting to get more then 50 views at most and I've almost hit 1k reads! I appreciate it sm,Thank youuu! :)

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