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Triger warnings ⚠️ Selfharm
Izuku's POV:

I walk to the bathroom, trying to contain my tears

Once I get into the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen and inflamed

I had to try and contain my thoughts, knowing I still had a lesson after lunch

My arms were killing due to being so beaten up and cut, and then I got an urge to add to my arms, and that's what I did..

There were now about 20 more new cuts on my arms

That's when my tears could not be contained anymore. I let the water work flow all the way down to my chin, not able to hold back anymore as much as I wanted to. I collapsed into the corner of the bathroom, luckily no-one was in the bathroom to see and hear me cry out my lungs with blood running down my arms.Then to add to that next lesson just started and I wasnt it a good enough place to go to lesson. I started hyperventilating, and my breathing was extremely unregular it felt as if I was going to die right there alone,all by myself with no-one to care....Everything went dark and I started to close my eyes...

Bakugo's POV:

I was sitting with my 'friends', and all i could think about was that idiot.The nerd just left, saying he was okay he was obviously not okay. Anyone could tell he wasn't his happy,cheerfully,nerdy self anymore

The bell for the next lesson went,and I had a really bad feeling about deku. It was a really bad feeling like something happened to him,then shitty hair snapped me out of my thoughts and said we needed to go to class.

We started to walk into class, and everyone sat down, and Aizawa was about to start the lesson until I saw deku wasn't there. I got really anxious. What could have happened to him? He was upset, and now he wasn't in the lesson...

I was going to find him.i stood out of my chair,and then I ran out of class to find deku.

I had to see him

See if he was okay

I ran to the bathroom that deku was earlier walking to and opened the door that was until,

I found him.....


I ran up to him, and he was hardly holding on to consciousness. His eyes were hardly open and were closing by the seconds,there was blood dripping on the floor from his arms....

"DEKU DONT YOU DARE CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I started to cry. I haven't cried in many years

"DEKU, PLEASE!"I started shaking him

"I-izuku,please....fucking hang on don't close your god damn eyes i swear if you do!"I say hardly able to see him due to my tears covering my eyesight 

To be continued...

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now