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Izuku's POV:

My eyes start to slowly open, and I see that present Mic and Aizawa were finally back

I blush, realising I'm still on kacchan's chest and the both of them seeing it

"Look, you've woke him up now,"kacchan says, slightly annoyed as I yawn, slowly adjusting my eyes to the bright light in the room

"Morning nerd," kacchan says with a soft smirk, and I just smile in response to tired to talk

Aizawa sighs and puts some bags he is holding in his left hand on the floor

I move off Katcchan's chest, and I sit next to him on the sofa as he is also now sitting up

"What have you two been doing except being so loving dovey while we were out then?" Aizawa says sarcastically and bluntly. As I just blush and kacchan smirks at Aizawa

"Right, this talk is tiring. I'm going to put some stuff we bought away, " Present mic says with a laugh

Present mic then takes the few bags he was also holding and takes them into the kitchen to put away some stuff

"Oh yeah, this is for you, Midoriya," Aizawa says, passing me a bag full of items

"W-what..w-why..?" I say, shocked and hesitantly receiving the bag

"Well, we thought you would need some more clothing and things, so yeah,"Aizawa says, shrugging

"T-thank you!" I say extremely grateful

"It's no problem, problem child," he says, smiling

"Right, I'm going to help him put some stuff away," Aizawa says

He walks away into the kitchen to help Present Mic

I was extremely grateful, but I also felt terribly that they were spending their money on me

"Nerd, what's wrong?" Kacchan asks

"I-I feel bad them spending their money on me," I say truthfully and look down at my hands

"Don't worry about that nerd they wouldn't spend their money if they didn't want to, and you deserve it anyway." He says with a smile

Time skip [night time around 9am]

I was extremely tired even though I did have a nap earlier today

At dinner time, Aizawa and Present Mic made me chicken nuggets, vegetables, and French fries, but in a  small proportion to try and help but I only was able to eat a tiny bit before nearly throwing up

Kacchan was still here as he asked his mum if he could stay over the night, and she said yes

I was really happy to have kacchan over still. I didn't want him to leave

I started to yawn since I was still tired, and it was getting late it was weird, though, because only when kacchan is over or around I am able to sleep well other times it's really hard to

Kacchan laughs at my yawns and asks if I was to go to sleep yet, and I nodded my head

To be continued

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now