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Dekus pov:

I step out of the classroom and close the door behind me, trying not to cry anymore than I already have done. I close my eyes tightly and just take a deep breath, and as soon as I open my eyes again, I see katchan to the left side of me


"Why the hell are you crying, nerd?"

"I-Im n-not..?" I lie

"Your a fucking idiot I can obviously tell you've been crying you have tears in your eyes and there red and puffy!"

"Erm...I-I had something in my eyes...?" I once again lie to kacchan

He puts his fingers on the bridge of his nose,annoyed at my lies,I have never been a good lier you could always tell when I've told a lie due to my stuttering and the nervous look on my face scared I'd get caught out which I do always end up getting caught out

"That's a lie,why did Aizawa hold you back in class to talk to you then?"

"H-he was asking me why I was so l-late to class.." I say looking down at my feet nervous

"Okay,why were you so fucking late then?!"He says getting quite angry and annoyed like I always tend to make him angry and annoyed a lot without fail

"I-I forgot t-to set an alarm a-and over slept" I say telling the same fib I said to Aizawa earlier today

He scoffs at my fib knowing full well that I was telling more lies then we say in silence for a few minutes

He then opens his mouth then closes his mouth again into the unspoken air around the both of us

"I-Im gonna g-go kacchan" I say as he scoffs into the air again

I walk away from kacchan and go to the bathroom trying to hold my tears from spilling out once again today

Bakugo's POV:
(same incident with Izuku with his poin of view)

I leave the classroom with everyone else apart from deku he got hold back from Aizawa guessing from being like 40 minutes late into class today,I wasn't going to ever admit it but deku has been acting really weird recently and it was kinda..worrying me?

how wouldn't it though,sure I didn't like him and absolutely hated his guts, but..I was still really concerning,not like I cared thought!
Did I? No, I couldn't he was just a useless nobody who couldn't do anything for himself since we were kids anyway.

I decided to wait for deku outside of the classroom while everyone else left. Todoroki asked me why I was saying outside the classroom so I just told him to fuck off and carried on waiting outside of the door with Deku and Aizawa on the other side of it. I couldn't hear anything from the inside of the room due to the walls being too thick to hear anything from the inside

After about 10 minutes of waiting a green headed boy walked out and closed the door from behind him,he had been crying,you could tell by the puffiness of his eyes and the tears rolling down each of his cheeks he closed his eyes and took a deep breath trying to stop himself from crying anymore,then he opened his eyes and saw me with his eyes widened not expecting me being next to him

"K-kacchan?" He says with a worried look in his eyes

"Why the hell were you crying,nerd?" I say, wanting to know why he was so upset

Did Aizawa tell him off? Give him detention? He had always been a very sensitive person, but he never seemed to cry a lot, which again adds to me worrying about the nerd

"I-Im not..?" Total lie you can always tell when he's lying,his face goes all cute and adorabl- what the hell am I thinking! That nerd cute and adorable hah hell no!

"Your a fucking idiot I can obviously tell you've been crying you have tears in your eyes and there red and puffy!" I replied back with trying to stop myself from thinking about what I was thinking about..

"E-erm...I-I h-had something I-In my eyes...?" another absolute lie coming out of his mouth once again! I started to get annoyed at all of his lies. I just wanted to know why the nerd was crying! Is that a crime!? I think putting my fingers across the bridge of my nose

"That's a lie,Why did Aizawa hold you back in class to talk to you then?" I say, trying to put some of the information together if he wasn't going to tell me why he was crying

H-he was asking me why I was so l-late to class.." He says, looking down at his feet nervously

"Okay,why were you so fucking late then?!"

"I-I forgot t-to set an alarm a-and over slept" he says another god damn lie! I scoffed, and it went silent for a few minutes. Neither of us wanted to say anything more first

I opened my mouth and I was going to tell him to tell me the truth but closed my mouth again I was going to have to wait and let him tell me on his own forcing him to tell me wasn't going to do anything

"I-Im gonna g-go kachan" he says as I scoff again

He walked off in the other direction and into the way of the bathroom

To be continued...

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now