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Izuku's pov:

The both of us slowly pulled away from each other after a few moments. My face heated, and kacchan's had a soft line of blush across

Kacchan smiles at me as I smile back in response

I felt as if I was on cloud nine,

"Baby, do you want us to tell Aizawa and Present Mic about the food thing now?"

I freeze for a few moments. Could I even tell them?

I think for a moment until I slowly hesitantly nodded my head very slightly

Kacchan smiled at me, and my face lights up once again

"It'll be okay, Izuku. I promise you"

I nodded my head slightly in a more of a longer speed this time due to being more nervous than before

"Come on, let's go izuku" he says, moving off of the bed, walking towards the door, and stepping put while I followed behind him timidity

We make our way to their living room as they were both sat there together. Aizawa sat doing something on his laptop assuming work or something related as Present Mic was watching television looking bored as nothing good was on TV as he was flipping through channels, making a groaning noise every flip

"Bakugo,Izuku, what's up? What's wrong?" Aizawa asks as moving his laptop from his lap to the glass coffee table in front of him as Present mic stops flipping through channels and pausing the channel that he randomly landed on and puting the remote control down next to him on the sofa

"We both gotta tell you something." Kacchan says

"Omg, are you two finally together!"Present mic buts in

My face heats up, and kacchan also goes red as well

Aizawa very lightly hits present mic on the leg

"Just let them say what they want to say."

I get nervous and scared. I knew they would end up kicking me out straight away as soon as they hear what we say, and by we, I mean kacchan I was frozen in fright and couldn't say anything

Kacchan breaths out deeply before saying anything as I slowly just hid behind him like a scared toddler hiding from their parents after doing something they weren't supposed to

"Well, I'll just say it, I think izuku has an eating disorder of some sort.."

Aizawa mouth turns into a from as well as Present Mics did aswell

I closed my eyes hardly, preparing myself to get screamed at and kicked out

"Oh Izuku.." Aizawa says

I slightly and slowly start to open my eyes

There was no shouting?

No screaming?

No hitting?

"Izuku sweetheart, come here" Aizawa says

Sweetheart? No cursing at me?

I slowly do as he says and steps in front of him while looking down at my feet

"Is that the real reason why you didn't want to eat last night..?"

I just nodded my head in response

"I-im s-sorry," I apologise with a small tear roling down my cheeks

"No no izuku there is nothing to apologise for" Present mic says to me

"Izuku, it's okay. You're going to be okay. We're going to help you through all of this it's not your fault, sweetheart, " Aizawa says, holding my hands, rubbing them in a comforting way while present mic rubs my shoulder

"Your n-not g-going to kick me out y-yet then?" I asked confused

"Izuku, of course not! The both of us have actually wanted to ask you something about that... We want you to stay with us permanently live here. We can't see you stay with your so-called mother any longer"


"What would you think about that izuku...?" Present mic asks


"Yes, izuku, of course" Aizawa says smiling

I nod my head fastly

The both of them smile at me as then they both pull me into a comforting hug

"T-thank you"

"No izuku don't say thank you,you deserve somewhere to live with comfort, love and support" Present mic says

To be continued


but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now