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Izuku's POV:

We all heard a loud knock at the door while I realised it was Kacchan

"Kacchan's here!" I said to Aizawa and Mic excitedly, and they laughed at how ecstatic I was that I heard him at the door

"Go and let him in then, izu," Aizawa says, smiling at me and drinking his coffee while Mic just had a huge smile on his face

"Okay!" I say then practically running as fast as I can to the front doors very close to slipping over my feet a few times

I was out of breath from running since ever since I ended up in the hospital. I have always been a little bit weaker than I was before, but I was slowly gaining back my strength from before day by day

I open the door quickly and see Kacchan standing there, and I smile at him as he opens his arms for a hug

I gladly accepted and ran into his arms as he put his arms around me and his chin into my hair as I just lay my head into his chest

"Hello to you to you to deku," he said as I practically heard his smirk, and I just giggled

I pull out of the hug hesitantly and slightly groan at the lost connection as kacchan just laughed at me as we go to the kitchen

"You guys are both ready to go then?" Mic asked us both as he was putting some last things into his bag

"Mhm!" I responded while staying next to kacchan

"I guess so," kacchan says with a groan

I laughed, got together last things, and put on my shoes as we all headed to the car

Mic was driving while Aizawa was in the passenger seat and me and kacchan and I sat together at the back

Mic started the car and asked if we had our seat belts on and then pulled out the driveway

I was looking out the window looking at the wildlife and trees and stuff as I got bored and placed my head onto kacchan's shoulder, and kacchan smiled, placing his hand onto my leg

I knew Aizawa saw as he coughs extremely loud as a sign for kacchan to pull his hand off my lap

And kacchan groans in annoyance and pulls his hand back

I could tell Aizawa was very annoyed at kacchan whenever we did anything and was very protective over me like a father would be to his kid while Mic would always have to remind him that kacchan wasn't going to hurt me in anyway and that he shouldn't get to annoyed and protective over it

Not even a few seconds later, kacchan just placed his hand on my leg again and just smirked to Aizawa's way as he just sighed in defeat, and Mic laughed

We finally arrived at school, and I gulped. I was very nervous since all of this had happened

To be continued

I'm so sorry it took so long to update since my mental health again had taken a mega turn, and I haven't been motivated at all, but I'll try and post more again!<3

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now