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Izuku's POV:

Slowly, I opened my eyes as I soon realised that I was cuddling up to kacchan and griping his t-shirt in a tight grip with his hands wrapped around me. I felt my face heat up, and my heart raced like I had just run a marathon,I looked up to kacchan,sleeping, and looking peaceful and happy and not looking like his normal angry self I giggled to myself slightly as I feel kacchan hold of the hug slightly tighten he was awake but kept his eyes shut

"It's still early nerd,go back to sleep" he says in a sleepy voice

I turn my head slightly and look at the clock on the wall to see that it was indeed early it was 6:00 in the morning,but it was the first good night of sleep that I've had in years now,I felt refresh in a way

I decided it was best to try and go back to sleep like kacchan said to,the more sleep I'm able to get, the better I put my head into Kacchans chest and I feel him pull myself into him chest more aswell as I slowly drift of back to sleep

Kacchan POV: (2 hours later)

I slowly wake up due to sunlight making its way into the small hospital room and brightening the whole room up. I let put a small groan due to not wanting to get out of the bed

Deku was griping onto my t-shirt with his head resting against my chest. I stroked his soft green hair as he slowly woke up

He gives a small yawn as I  let out a soft laugh looking at the smaller boy against me

"G-good morning kacchan" he says while moving away from my chest and rubbing his emerald eyes while also letting out another yawn

"Good morning idiot" I say while looking at deku, getting lost in my own thoughts mesmerised by him

I got paused out of thought when a doctor came into the room

"Oh Katsuki,you're still here?" He asked while looking at me, and deku sat next to me on the bed

"Yeah, you got a problem?"I replied back with an annoyed tone

He just sighs giving up on talking to me

"Izuku, how are you feeling today?" He then asked deku with a clipboard and pen in his hand, waiting to write something

"I feel quite a bit better.."He says slightly, blushing

"That's good kido,you're friend here helping?" He asked, meaning me

"Mhm,"he said slightly, blushing even more

"I'm glad,I'll get a nurse to bring in your breakfast in soon."

He says while leaving the room

I noticed that deku looked a little nervous ever since the doctor mentioned food


His head turns from him, looking at himself fidgeting with his hands in his lap to me


"What's up why you so fucking nervous?"

To be continued

but I love you..    bakugo x deku Where stories live. Discover now