Last Day of Summer

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Blaze rests in her room. This is her last chance to rest before school starts. She's already tired and school hasn't begun. She's tired from the upcoming school year and tired because of her problems and tired because of-

-knock knock knock- Why is that sound coming from her window?

"Blaze? Blaze? BLAZE?" Oh that's why.

"Marine. Give me a minute."

Blaze goes over to her window and unlocks the locks on said window. She opens it and look unamused at Marine.


Blaze Physically Recoils "Stop yelling."


"Marine, your my best frie-"

"That is VERY true, thank you so much, I'm very honored!"

"Let me finish: you are my best friend. But what are you doing here?"

"Oh! Ummmmmm. I wanted to see you?"

Blaze looks at her unamused.

"What's the actual reason?" Blaze Interrogates.

"No actual reason, sorry, I'm just here"

Blaze sighs "Fine, you're lucky my mom and my sister like you so much."

"Yeah, I know, I'm so fortunate"

"Speaking of which, the actual reason is so you can see my sister, right?"

"... What gave it away?"

"Do you actually want me to answer that?"

"Preferably No, but I am interested in your opinion on the matter"

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

"Anytime! So what are we having for dinner tonight? Knowing you mom she probably got something good"

"It's Some Chicken, knowing my mom she probably made extra for you though."

"She's such a lovely women... maybe I should help her by offering my hand in marriage to her daughter..."

"Funny, she would probably let you."

"REALLY?" Blaze recoils again

"Stop yelling. But Honestly? Probably. But don't try it. At least not yet. Neither of you are old enough."

"You're no fun..."

"Cry me a river."


Blaze snickers

"Yeah okay lover girl, I'll go ask my mom if you can come and stay for some dinner."

Blaze walks down the steps. She goes into the kitchen where her mother is prepping dinner. She walks in and sit down at the counter. She coughs to get her mom's attention. She's not one for abruptly interrupting. Nerves.

"Oh Blaze! How are you sweetie?"

"Good, Mom. Can Marine stay for dinner?"

"Oh dear, do you even have to ask at this point?"

"She said the same thing."

"Wait, I didn't see her coming through the door Did she call you?"

"No, She came through the window."

"Oh! Right! I forgot she does that sometimes. You should try to get her to stop doing that. People might become concerned."

"Trust me, I've tried. She won't."

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