Helping Amy's Grandmother Move

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             Apparently one person can own a lot of stuff. Blaze didn't even say it, she only thought it. Well her and her big... brain? Whatever, she guesses. Just help Amy's grandma move. Simple enough task. Easy. A few more things than she expected shouldn't demotivate her. Blaze can do this, no problem. Easy peasy.

            "I'll get my grandma settled then I'll be back down to help, you'll be fine by then, right?" Amy tells Blaze.

            "Yeah, thanks for the concern." Blaze says and smiles at her.

            "No problem!"

            "Be careful with that stuff!" Amy's grandma says aggressively.

            Blaze did ask Marine and Cream and her Mom to help. Marine and Cream completely ditched her after the question was asked, not even answering. Vanilla said she was busy. Tails flat out said no. Knuckles agreed but Blaze is starting to think he flaked out on all of this.

            "I'm here!" She spoke too soon. Good. It'll be fine now. As long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

            "Hey Knuckles. Glad you could show up." Blaze says the last part with some sarcasm.

            "Hello!" Knuckles greets the Cat

            "Where is Amy?" Knuckles of course does not get sarcasm.

            "Upstairs helping her grandma get settled in, help me carry some boxes?"

            "Sure!" Knuckles proceeds to try and take the lowermost box, under five others in the moving truck.

            "Wait!" Blaze says. Knuckles lifts up all the boxes and turns around.


            "...Nothing, just be careful and how are you going to fit that through the door?" Blaze questions the Echidna.

            "...I didn't think about that"

            Moving goes faster than Blaze thinks it wouldn't. Thankfully with the addition of Knuckles. They finish getting everything inside before Amy comes back down to the two. She greets Knuckles and Thanks both of them. Now they have to unpack. Which proves to be a harder task.

           "Knuckles be careful, please." Amy pleads with the Echidna

           "I am! It's not my fault this... thing is weird!" Knuckles fidgets with said thing, which he proceeds to fling out, extremely quickly but surprisingly not break, thankfully. Amy breathes out a sigh of relief for the unbroken object.

           "Knuckles, that's a lamp." Blaze says pointing to the apparently foreign object.


           They keep moving everything out and about. Placing everything in its place and every single item Amy's grandma seems to own.

           "Why does your grandma own a pool table!" Knuckles says

           "I don't think that's a pool table." Blaze states looking at the object.

           "It's a hot tub" Amy states like it's a normal thing for people to have.

           "Then why am I taking it down to the basement?" Knuckles asks

           "Because that's where the door is that leads to a space for it?" Amy says shaking her head like she said the most obvious thing in the world

           "Oh, ok, makes sense to me" Knuckles says as he piledrives the hot tub into the comically small door and almost makes a hole in the door frame with the hot tub going through it.

           "Wouldn't it have made more sense to push it around outside?" Blaze asks.

           "...Oh" Amy says

           Despite everything, nothing is broken or destroyed. A great achievement. A surprising one too. Given everything & Knuckles. Blaze finally gets to meet Amy's grandma. Who seems a bit, only a bit, intimidating.

           "Well, you seem like a nice girl..."


           Amy's grandmother pauses to think and inspect the girl. Amy stands around again, acting like this is a normal thing.

           "Amy would step out for a moment?" Her Grandmother says sweetly.

           "Yes, Grandma!"

           Amy walks out. Leaving Blaze and her grandmother alone. Silence commences for a few seconds. Before Amy's Grandma picks the conversation back up herself.

           "Sorry about all this, I just wanted to make sure Amy is being treated well. I assume you met her parents." She mentions Amy's parents with venom in her voice.

           "I have to play the big head honcho of this family. Trying to protect everyone, obviously mistakes happen, again, her parents." Amy's grandmother keeps telling.

           "Yes, well I only met one of them alive..." Blaze manages to get out. Maybe not the best thing to say, but that's all Blaze could get out.

           "Yeah I heard that part too, sorry about that." Amy's grandma gives her an empathic gaze, which Blaze appreciates.

           "It's fine, it's not your fault." Blaze tries to relieve the tension. The at least for her, painfully thick tension from Amy's parents looming over both of their heads.

           "In a way it was, I was her mother and let her marry him. Hindsight is 20/20." Amy's Grandmother says pointing to her eyes in a comical fashion, becuase they look basically shut from how old she is.


           "So I wanted to make sure you will treat Amy better than he treated my daughter."

           "Of course."

           "Well I'm glad my granddaughter found someone good to be her girlfriend." Amy's Grandma reaches forward at pats Blaze on the leg. That sentence takes the wind out of Blaze.

           "...What?" Blaze blushes.

           "Well you-"

           "We aren't dating?"

           "Well then, could've fooled me, both of you seem to like each other, a lot."

           "...Okay. Thanks?"

           "You're Welcome... Amy!"

           "Yea-yeah Grandma?"

           "You can come back in now."

           Amy comes in with a bright red blush, matching Blaze's blush. Amy's Grandma continues like nothing happened. Talking to the two and making chit chat. All while Amy and Blaze are panicking in their heads. Amy's Grandma keeps on talking about antidotes and stories from ten few she remembers and got to so of Amy's childhood and anything else she can think of.

           Blaze goes away after a while. Knuckles left a lot earlier, saying something about his Dad. She makes sure to say goodbye to Amy and her grandmother. After she says goodbye and leaves to go home. Amy turns to her grandma. With a death glare that turns into a more fussy tone.

           "Grandma!" She yells after her while her grandmother laughs to herself and goes back upstairs to her new room. Amy goes to her room and does what she always does, scream into her pillow to relive all her stress and romantic feelings. She's obvious and hopeless and knows it and hates herself for it.

            Amy doesn't get that much sleep. Neither does Blaze. Staying up late thinking about the other for countless hours, like usual. Blaze and Amy eventually get to sleep. When they wake up Blaze knows she has to talk to Amy. While Amy thinks she should avoid Blaze at all costs. At least for today.

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