Sharing is Caring

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                 "Yeah I did." Blaze says, looking at Amy. Who turns around and sighs to herself. Then puts her hands in her face, confusing Blaze.

                 "What's wrong?"

                 "Sorry you had to see that"

                 "It was just two colors. It did look weird though. Why those?"

                 "I rather not tell you"

                 "Fair enough."

                 "What about you and green?"

                 "I actually have no idea about that one."

                 The two talk about other things trying to shove their dreams away. Especially Amy, while Blaze at this point is more bored by her nightmares than anything else. Also annoyed by it constantly waking her up earlier than any person has the right to be up.

                 First period, second period, third period and fourth go by without incident or any mentions of the dream. Both of them go to lunch without issue either. Not with any problems in the line or when they first get to the table

                 "Me and Marine shared a dream last night."

                 Blaze spits out her drink, surprised.


                  "Same dream, different perspectives, it was weird right, Marine?"

                  "Never let go of me." Marine says holding on tight to Cream.

                  "Oh... Weird." Blaze says and looks at Amy who is in a state of shock seemingly but eventually snaps out of it and goes back to her lunch.

                  "Amy? Are you okay?"

                  "Yeah I'm fine, just weird right?" Amy obviously fake laughs it off while Blaze looks at her concerned.

                  Blaze should probably pay more attention to Cream and Marine in the morning. But that's not here, so she focuses on being concerned for Amy at the moment. Which eventually becomes harder as they part for the seventh period. Blaze to music and Amy to art. Like it always is. Now with Blaze seeming a lot more sad and concerned. Frowning to herself as Amy walks away.

                 She walks to the middle school with Cream and Marine, the latter seemingly having an iron grip on the other until eventually letting go to let Cream go to her class. Blaze and Marine get to their classes. Blaze sits down. Still the only person in the room. She sighs, getting to work. Trying to push all her problems out of her head.

                  Amy hates this Art class with a burning passion. The monotony of it all is killing her. She doesn't know how anyone could stand this let alone not quit. Yet she is still here anyway, giving it her all. Trying different techniques and ways. Nothing works. Nothing helps. Like it always does. It's still the same like every other day. Knuckles has apparently resorted to only looking at his paper. Amy wishes she could without thinking how much she wants to tear and burn the paper up. So she draws to keep her mind off of it.

                  This project and class seem to hate her back. Even before she hated them. Maybe she's cursed or maybe this is all a set up. Amy isn't taking any chances no matter what it is. She wants to be done and over with. Yet the project won't move on. It can't go forward. An endless cycle of drawing and erasing. Drawing and erasing. Drawing and erasing. Drawing and erasing. Drawing and erasing. Wearing her down like her own eraser bit by bit. Amy had hear of a tortured artist but not through monotony and rigorous work by and Art teacher. Maybe she'll go insane, maybe that's what the teacher is trying to do. Make them insane so they'll become better artists. The teacher hasn't even made a note of Tails' leaving. She doesn't care. Maybe she wants this school to burn leaving no survivors.

                  Study hall is fine. Amy's still mad about her Art project while Blaze comforts her. Amy complains and complains and complains and complains, with Blaze trying her best. Her absolute hardest. To make sure Amy is okay. They eventually do get their homework done. Not much to do but still, it's something. After that little detour Amy keeps complaining, and gets comforted by Blaze. Who wants to make sure she's okay. Amy is not okay.

                The day chugs along. Again and again. Like usual. The end of the day comes suddenly and without warning seemingly. Everyone leaves and gets on their buses. Ending the day on a normal yet weird note. Nothing really happens. Meaningless conversations and all that. A boring normal day for the most part. Only broken up by shared dreams. Which almost nobody questions.

                 "Why did Amy look like that when we mentioned sharing our dreams?" Cream asks. Almost. So close.

                 "I don't know."

                 "Huh." Cream makes a note to ask her tomorrow.

                 Home is the same. But a comfortable same. Especially her bed. She plops onto it, forgetting the day. Ending it the same way she always does. No homework, only relaxation. She needs this after all. At least, she feels like she needs this.

                  When Amy gets home she goes to her bed too. Not even working on her project. She's so mad. She screams into her pillow again with rage towards the project. After getting out of that. She screams into her pillow again, this time with passion for Blaze. Still disguising it to herself as excitement for her friend.

                  Blaze sneezes.

                  Amy doesn't care about her project at this point. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. She hates it. Burn it up. Burn it up. Burn it up. Burn it up. Burn it up. Burn it up. Burn it up. Rip it up. Rip it up. Rip it up. Rip it up. Rip it up. Rip it up. That's what she'll do when she's finally done with this project. The end of everything related to this cursed class. It takes every fiber of her being not to tear it up. She needs it anyways. To pass. Her worst nightmare is not passing. She can't have that. She doesn't want that to come true. She can't let that happen. She'll pass she assures herself. She'll pass.

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