Together Again

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Study hall is seemingly a magical place for many. Many love it and only few hate it. People walk into class talkative as ever. This would include Blaze and Amy but they come from different places. So Amy gets there first followed by Blaze, who walks fast. Amy is already sat and pats down on the seat next to her. Blaze smiles and goes to sit next to her. She sits down and smiles at her, Amy smiles back at her. Then they both get their homework out, it's study hall after all. But not before....

The teacher claps her hands and takes attendance. Calling everyone. Once again Blaze then Amy right after. Blaze acknowledges how pretty that name still is in her head. It's a lot better than rabbit, she likes her name, but rose is better though. That's her opinion, maybe Amy thinks her name is better. Once attendance is finished everyone either keeps talking or start to do their homework. There's about 30 people in this class. This is a big class, especially for a study hall. So almost everyone fills up all the seats. Except the seats next to her and Amy. It stick out like a sore thumb. But Blaze doesn't care, Amy's still there and that's all she needs.

It's nice they don't have much as it's only the first day. But they still have some. They answer each other's questions and give the other tips. They finish the English homework they were both assigned. Finding it easy, some definitions and matching and review from earlier topics. It's more time wasting than anything. But homework has always been a time waster so it doesn't bother either one of them too much. They keep working and finish it in due time.

Then it's on to the other one: Math. Amy's pretty good at it while Blaze struggles. Math is not her strong suit. Amy has to help her a lot unlike the English. It's review from Algebra and Algebra II nothing particularly new, but Blaze doesn't get the hang or purpose or reason of Math but she sucks up and does it anyways. Math may be hard but at least she can do it, some of it. Maybe the simple things, but that's more than some can do and for that Blaze is grateful. Still sucks but she realizes that she can eventually finish it. Especially with Amy helping her.

"Alright, what is the square root of negative four?"


"Alright good, now all we need to do is add that to that" Amy points at the page.

"Okay" Blaze scribbles onto the page the instructions Amy gave her to do.

"Is this good?" Blaze shuffles her paper over to Amy. Which Amy examines.

"Just that one" she points to the mistake.
Blaze erases and fixes it and shows Amy smiling as she (presumably) got it done and over with, finally.

"Looks good!" Amy gives a thumbs up and Blaze gives out a sigh of relief.

"See? It wasn't that bad"

"Yes, it was"

"Differing opinions, I guess" Amy smirks before breaking out into a small laugh which Blaze reciprocates but somehow even more quieter than Amy's.

They both get out their phones and start browsing, showing each other different things until Amy realizes something. She brings up her contacts.

"Hey Blaze, can I give you my number?"

"Oh! Yeah... um.... Yeah of course!"

Amy gives her number to Blaze who copies it into her phone. Amy sends a test text message to Blaze a simple 'Hello!'. Blaze smiles at that and smiles at Amy who smiles back at her. Then they both go back to browsing the Internet. Before Amy not too silently slaps herself in the face.

"Amy, are you good?"

"Yeah I just have this project that I have to work on for Art"

"Project? Already?"

"It's apparently the only one we have to do for the entire class and nobody has gotten it yet" Amy pulls the paper out of her bag and lays it on the table and also gets out her phone where she took the picture of the original sketch her teacher made, she looks at it confused while Blaze also looks confused.

"Weird. That's exactly why I quit art class, just weird stuff like that. What's that supposed to teach you anyways?"

"I have no idea. It seems like a puzzle of some kind. Maybe it's like a riddle. I have no idea how it's supposed to be solved though."

"Well, Art is very weird"

"Your telling me"

They both look at it as Amy keeps trying to break this weird code that the teacher has set them off on. Blaze chiming in every once in a whole for a suggestion or a concern or to say how weird this project is and how Amy should ask her teacher why exactly they're doing this. But Amy persists and tries her hardest. But she still can't do it.

"Do you know that feeling where you keep trying and yet you can't succeed?" Amy asks

"Yeah, I do"

They both give a solum smile at each other before Amy goes back to her seemingly frivolous work. While Blaze watches and tries her absolute best to help. They can't crack the code. Amy fears she isn't even close. Blaze is wondering why would anyone put up with this and why is Amy getting so frustrated at what might be nothing at all? Blaze realizes what might be the issue. As Amy finishes sketching her latest drawing, Blaze stops her before she erases again.

"Wait wait wait. What if the idea of this is that every piece of art is different. So submit this and see what happens!"

"What if I fail?"

"Then just call her out for it. This project make no sense anyways!" Amy laughs at that idea but then considers it. She pumps her fist up and realizes that this is probably her best chance to actually get it.

"I'll try it!" Amy says while Blaze nods in approval. Amy turns to Blaze and she gives her a thumb up.

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