Wait a Minute

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                 "Are you sure this looks fine?" Blaze twirls around in a dress she put on while Cream looks board at her.

                 "Blaze. For the tenth time it does. Why are you even so worked up about this?"

                 "I want it to be perfect, okay? No room for mistakes." She punctuates the sentence with a hand swipe.

                 "Oh no, perfectionist Blaze is out again." Cream says with and eye roll and a sly smile directed at her sister.

                 "I'm not a perfectionist. Can't I want thing to go well?"

                 "Yes. But you just said you wanted everything to be perfect."

                 "...you're not helping, get out of my room." Blaze picks up Cream and puts her outside the door.

                 "Hey this is my room too!" Cream says while banging on the door.

                "Mom, this isn't a date." Blaze says sitting across from Vanilla. The latter which has a knowing smile on her face.

                "Hard to tell, with how you were worrying about your outfit."

                "I worry about my outfit... sometimes."

                "Hey, no judgment here." Vanilla says then takes a sip of her coffee.

                 Blaze shrugs it off and continues getting ready for her day. Doing anything she can to prepare for this outing with her friend. They've already planned everything out. Finally, Amy arrives.

                 "Wow I came undressed"

                 "What, no. You look great!" Blaze affirms to her.

                 "Really? Thanks. Um, hello" Amy waves to Cream and Vanilla who are right behind Blaze, both of which wave back.

                 "Nice to meet you, sweetie." Vanilla comes up and shakes Amy's hand. This makes her confused but she takes her hand and shakes it still. Amy looks around.

                 "So you want to go now?"

                 "U-uh, yeah."

                 Amy and Blaze leave the house. Both of them waved bye to Vanilla and Cream. When they leave Vanilla laughs and Cream's face turns into a deflected one.

                 "She says me and Marine are hopeless."

                 "You two still are honey."


                 "It's nice to see this town. We came past it on the moving day to our house"

                 "When did your family move here?"

                 "In the middle of summer, sometime in July."

                 "Why did your family move?"

                 "Something about being tired of New York and stuff, didn't really get much out of them"

                 "Do you not talk to your parents much?"

                 "More like they aren't at the house most of the time"

                 "Where are they instead?"

                 "Right Now? At a party, I think for someone's birthday, that's all I was told before they left again"

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