On a Hill Together

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                  Blaze runs with Amy, showing no sign of stopping. Running with a confused girl behind her. Running and running and running. Past all the buildings and out into the road where all transportation comes from or more seemingly the lack of it. Amy doesn't think she has seen a single car since she got here. Maybe she missed some of them.

                  Amy is confused. Blaze keeps running for the hills, holding onto Amy's hand. Amy keeps her hand attached not knowing what's going on. They keep on running and running, Amy feels like she is going to collapse, but Blaze keeps going. They are completely out of town at this point. Far Far away, gone away from any sense of Society or Civilization. This is the place where anything can happen, in the countryside. They keep on Running to where only road, mountains, hills and trees lay. They keep going, Blaze seems just as fast as when she first started. Running and Running with no signs of stopping. The run on the sides of the road, no cars seem to drive past them though. They keep on going and going, until finally Blaze stops dead in her tracks.

                 "Sorry for not telling you about this." Blaze says as she pulls Amy up a hill onto the top of it. After their hike, Blaze sits down. She breathes in, turns to Amy and pats on the ground to tell Amy to sit down. Which Amy obliges to. She sits down on the dry clean grass, next to Blaze. Looking out towards the sky. It is a clear evening. Amy looks around. Waiting for something to happen. She finally gains the courage to ask.

                "Sooooo, why did you take me here?" Amy ask looking at Blaze. Blaze turns and points out towards the horizon.

                "Look out there, the sun is setting." Blaze says pointing then taking her hand down for it to rest.

                The sun is a bit above the horizon but is quickly sinking into said horizon. Amy starts to fixate on it like Blaze. They both look at it, continuing to watch it to set. Amy looks over at Blaze, who is serene in her current circumstance, completely fixated onto the setting sun. Amy looks at her and her hand. It didn't occur to her until that moment but they were holding hands all the way here. They were holding hands, they didn't notice it becuase they both ran here. my doesn't know why, but she wants that feeling again. So she looks away and slowly shuffles her hand into Blaze's. Succeeding eventually, she clamps her hand onto Blaze's. The other apparently was not noticing this display. Amy looks back to her, hands interlocked and Blaze looking at the sun setting. Amy looks back to the sun, it's very pretty. It reminds her of something, but she can't figure out what.

                 The sun reminds Blaze of someone too, but she knows exactly who. Blaze looks at the sun setting. It's slow yet impactful journey relays into her retinas. She looks away for a bit, look at the sun for too long is harmful then she looks at Amy. Who seems to be fixated onto the sun like Blaze was a few second ago. Blaze then notices their hands are interlocked, when did that happen? Doesn't matter, Blaze likes it anyways. It feels nice. So locks her hand officially into Amy's. The she proceeds to look back at the sun, which is still setting. Still on its own journey, a journey to go to different places. It doesn't move, but it appears so. Going to all the other countries. Going around and around. The two of them continue to watch it as it sets, until it goes all the way under the horizon, not to be seen again until tomorrow. Leaving a new darkness. Blaze then proceeds gets up, with Amy in hand, who is confused again and turns around to the other side of them.

                  "There's the moon."

                  Amy looks at her and remains silent, taking in the beauty of the moon. Watching the moon for significantly less time than the sun but still appreciating it all the same. The moon isn't as familiar or reminiscent of anything for either of them semminly. At least anything at this current moment. So the watch, heads empty of anything besides the moon and how it goes around, the same as the sun, but still different. Causing a light, not as bright as the sun, but bright enough so you can see others. Amy and Blaze continue to look at it, then eventually Blaze turns to Amy, who notices this time and looks back at Blaze. Then Blaze smiles at her, which Amy can't help but smile back at. Then they proceed to go back, with the two starting to walk, Blaze taking initiative. Then they go down the hill back to the road, getting down slowly and safely. Way Easier than hiking up. Leaving an easy and comfortable silence in between the two which they don't mind, they enjoy the other's company. They keep walking together on these mainly empty roads. Basking into the silence that completely surrounds them. Walking down the street passing by the occasional electric post on the side street they are walking down with. Blaze exhales breaking the silence.

                 "So, how was that?" Blaze's resting face is replaced with a very concerned expression. Anxiety racking her brain for an answer from Amy. To make sure she didn't mess this all up. But to her immediately relief Amy smiles.

                 "Very nice, I enjoyed it, a lot" Amy says smiling at Blaze

                 "Good, sorry I didn't tell you."

                 "You didn't have to tell me! It was a very nice surprise!" Amy affirms to her.

                 "Good" Blaze says with a confident yet subdued smile.

                 The two walk back to Blaze's town and subsequently her home. Walking the same way they came from. Not looking back, but looking up at the moon. They hold hands all the way there, not noticing it or caring.

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