Why did you have to go and mess up everything?

0 0 0

            Amy waits patiently. She waits for seemingly forever. Forever and ever. Going and going. Not stopping. She almost goes to bed. But not before texting Blaze, of course.

             Amy: My Dad isn't responding to my texts

             Almost immediately, to her suprise. Blaze texts her back.

             Blaze: I know where he is.

             ...What? Amy doesn't understand. If Blaze knows where he is, wouldn't she tell her. Amy attempts to type out a message but doesn't. Still not grasping the situation. She doesn't understand. She walks around. Looking for anything. Maybe it was an off tone text? Maybe it meant something else? Amy had no idea and honestly wishes she did. But maybe she doesn't want to know.

             Amy waits around for a bit more. Then she sees lights. Not normal lights. Blue and Red. Oh no. She goes to the door in time to see a police officer about to knock on it. She opens the door for the officer.

             "Hello, Amy Rose?"


             "Mind if we come inside to search the premises and ask you a few questions?"

             "Not at all"

             The Police search her house, they find nothing. Except in her parents room. They don't tell her what it is. She doesn't want to know anyways. They ask her questions, mainly about her father. She gives them answers. The police are stone faced, Amy can't tell their genuine reactions.

             "Amy..." One of the officers says.


             "I'm sorry I have to tell you this..."

             Amy cries, the police attempt to comfort her the best they can. Eventually they all leave her alone. Probably not proper procedure, but Amy could care less. Amy does her nightly routine and goes to bed and immediately goes to sleep. Letting it consume her. The nightmare came true. Maybe in a different way, but it still happened. She would cry if she was awake.

             She awakes hours later. Immediately going to text Blaze.

             Amy: I Know

             That's good enough, right? Amy goes back to sleep or at least tries too. She stays in bed until she hears someone knocking on the door. Amy bets it's the police. But to her surprise, it's Blaze. Standing outside looking tired.

              Amy starts to cry, Blaze comforts her. They go inside.

              "How are you holding up?" Blaze asks Amy while the latter cries into tissues.

              "I'm not" Amy responds once she's done.

              "I get that."

              "I'm sorry"

              "It's not your fault. It's his."

              "...I hate him"


              "...I already miss him, and my Mom"

              "I would assume so, no matter how bad they treated you."

              "They weren't that bad..."

              "Yes they were."

              Amy look at her teary eyed, Blaze looks at her stoned faced.

              "You deserved better and you know that."

              Amy cries again, Blaze comforts her again. Amy cries for a long time. Blaze keeps on being by her side, making sure she's okay. Amy keeps crying on and on. It subsides in due time. Amy crying less and less. But Blaze not letting off until Amy is better.

              "So who are you going to live with now?"

              "I assume one of my family members. Whoever they chose to inherit this place?"

              "Alright. They're not as bad as your parents right?"

              "...No. They aren't, most of my family is quite nice actually"

              "Good to hear."

              The conversation gets lighter from there. So enough it's evening. Blaze texts her Mom that she'll be staying at Amy's house. Vanilla says that's okay.

              "You don't have to do this, if you don't want to"

              "I'm not doing it because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to."

              "...Thank You"

              Amy make sure Blaze has everything she could need then after they do their nightly routine they both go to Amy's room and to bed. Both going to sleep after a while of talking.

              Amy and Blaze both have nightmares. Blaze has her's first. It's the green town. She's still at her house, obviously. But due to nothing happening or changing, she wakes herself up sooner than later. Blaze wakes up in the darkness of Amy's room. When she hears Amy, having a nightmare. Blaze goes over and shakes her awake. Amy wakes up and blushes a bright red when she sees Blaze is the one waking her up. Blaze doesn't notice due to the darkness in the room.

              "Are you okay? It sounded like you were having a nightmare." Blaze asks her, concerned.

              "Yeah, sorry" Amy says.

              "You don't have to be sorry. I was awake anyways, I had a... nightmare too." Blaze still doesn't know what to call it.

              "Okay" Amy doesn't seem to notice the heizitation

              "So are you fine?"

              "Yes, I am, thanks"

              "You're Welcome." Blaze gets up and goes to go back to bed.

              "Wait!" Amy exclaims, probably a bit too loud. Blaze turns around to her.

              "Yeah?" Blaze asks her the hedgehog turns red.

              "Can you sleep with me? I... think... I'll... feel more safe that way" Amy says blushing a bright red

              Blaze then also blushes a very bright red, staying silent for long enough to where Amy gets worried that she said something wrong



              "...yeah?" Amy peeps out

              "I can do that. Scooch over." Blaze makes a hand gesture so she can get more space and Amy obliges for her. 

              Blaze gets into bed with Amy. Both of them face up.

              "Well, um, Good night!" Amy says quickly

              "Good night." Blaze says slower.

              Amy immediately tries and goes to sleep. Good for her, Blaze takes a bit longer to. But eventually she does. Neither of them have nightmares for the rest of the night.

              Only for the two to wake up to Amy spooning Blaze. Blaze of course wakes up first and has to wake up Amy because unconscious Amy decides she won't let Blaze go. Amy wakes up and immediately lets go of Blaze.

              "Sorry!" Amy immediately apologizes

              "It's fine... we should probably get ready for the day." Blaze says noticing the sun.

              "Yeah..." Amy says and the two get out of bed and get ready for the day.

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