Why does this keep happening to me? Let's hope this is the last time.

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              Vanilla calling Blaze on her way home was not on Blaze's agenda and honestly she wish she didn't call her.

              "Blaze, sweetie?" Her Mom says over the phone.

              "Hi Mom." Blaze says back in a neutral yet happy tone.

              "Please don't look or go near Marine's house, okay?" Vanilla says panicked.

              "What? Why?" Blaze asks concerned.

              "Just don't, okay?"

              "...Okay." Blaze says with a lot less happy tone. She sounds deflated.

              Because she's going to do it.

              That's Marine's Dad alright. Hard to miss him and how terrible he looks. Blaze has seen him before. Obviously not like this. She only views it from the outside. There's only two police officers so they couldn't block her even if they wanted to. He's in plain sight. Blaze wonders when it happened and how it happened. But she doesn't care that much and shortly leaves after a bit of nothing. It's almost silent, only interrupted by the occasional camera click and the medics and funeral home talking about the body. Blaze is the only one watching. The only person in the audience. Then she leaves. Going, going, gone. Back to home.

             Blaze goes inside her house. Marine is on the couch being coddled by Cream. Vanilla is on the chair across from them. She looks up at Blaze as soon as she enters. Blaze looks at her not emoting. Vanilla turns back to Cream and Marine then down to the floor. Blaze takes her shoes off and sits next to Marine who is next to Cream on the couch. Blaze looks at them. Marine doesn't seem that distressed. Again, Blaze hopes that she isn't repressing it. But it's not like Blaze can ask that upfront.

             "So, what happened?" Blaze fakes ignorance.

             "Oh, um, well. You don't want to know." Vanilla says cautiously. Playing coy.

             "I saw it."

             "...After I told you not to look at it?"

             "Well, it's kinda hard to avoid."

             "Blaze, I'm trying to help you! Protect you!"

             "I don't need that."

             "Yes you do!"

             "I'm going up to my room."

             Blaze goes upstairs to her room. She thinks. She's been doing that a lot. She always does this. At this time her mind wanders to her parents. Her bio parents. Not adopted parent. She remembers only a few things about that time in her life. Those things are that they hated her, that Vanilla rescued her and that even if they could they wouldn't want her back. Blaze begins to cry, she hates thinking about this. Yet her mind can't help but drift sometimes. Drift away from them and all the pain that came with them. Blaze hates those two and what they did.

             Apparently she's loud for people to hear her. Vanilla, her Mom, her actual Mom. Comes up and hugs her. Providing her comfort, something he told parents never did.

             "I'm sorry Mom."

             "You have nothing to feel sorry for."

             "I hate them."

             "I do too, Blaze. I do too."

             Blaze keeps crying into her Mom.

             Amy hates her Dad. Especially now. Everything sucks now. The only good thing she got was that Blaze came to help. Which is nice but Amy kinda wished her Dad and Mom didn't have to go away for it to happen. It would've happened anyways. Amy hates this. She isn't too fond of the police and that everything changes so suddenly. Amy's alone again. She doesn't want to be alone. She hates being alone. She wishes she would never have to be alone.

             She gets out of her bed and walks around. Upstairs, downstairs. Wherever she can go. She walks all over the place. It doesn't matter now, nobody can stop him anyways. Nobody is here and nobody will be here anytime soon. So she keeps on walking. All around and through the house. Walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking.

              Marine simultaneously can and can't believe this. It makes sense but also why and how? It makes no reasonable possibility but it also works out perfectly. Marine's Dad obviously wasn't a saint but what did he do to get that? What was he even doing back here? Was that a drop off spot? As far as Marine knows it was random and it happened when he was at his own home. She wishes she didn't care. That she could walk past it. Think about it once then out the other ear gone forever. She doesn't even care for her Father. She hates him. Yet that's her father. The one she grew up with. The one she had. The one she was given to. The one that was given to her.

             Cream is trying her best to comfort her. Yet Marine feels she will never get better. Even if she could, it wouldn't be the same. She has no idea why her Mother and Father have all this control over her. But they do. Even when they're gone. It feels like they're still here, in the worst way possible. Marine hates it. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She hates them. She wishes they were gone sooner. But at least they're gone now. At least they're gone now. They can't hurt her anymore.

               Nobody will mourn their deaths, besides their own families and children who are forced to love them. They did nothing yet their impact can still be felt. They are useless, yet they're still here even if it's only in spirit. They are gone. They're not coming back. They are gone. If everyone is lucky enough, forever. How can you be such a terrible person yet live for so many years? Survival of the fittest? Sure. But now not only they but everyone around them can rest because they are finally gone. Nothing is perfect. But now it's a bit better. Even if it's only a small bit. But a bit can go a long way.

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