A New Day

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The sun comes up again. A New beginning. Blaze wakes up pretty well today until she remembers everything that happened yesterday, happy at the conversation with Amy, very disturbed by the Cream and Marine situation. But she breathes and gets out of bed to see Cream still sleeping. Blaze leave to go to the bathroom. She does normal stuff like brushing her teeth until she's done and then goes back to her room where Cream is still sleeping. Blaze goes downstairs into the kitchen. Her mom isn't there but she sees a note and picks it up.

'Dear Blaze and Cream. I had to leave extremely early for my job please take care of each other and get to school! Sincerely - Your Mom P.S. - Love you!' Blaze smiles at the note, but then frowns. She's going to have to be the one who wakes Cream up. After a short groan she marches back up stairs and goes to their bedroom. She goes over to Cream's bed and gently pats her till she starts to wake up.


"Cream. We have to wake up for school."

"Huh? Oh. Blaze."



Cream stamps off to the bathroom. Blaze sighs again and then proceeds to the kitchen to make herself and Cream some breakfast. Blaze gets out some cereal and milk and prepares breakfast for herself. She hears the shower turning on through the pipes coming on. She think that Cream probably forgot to shower last night so she's doing it now. Blaze shrugs and continues to eat her breakfast.

A few minutes later Blaze hears the shower turn off and some movement upstairs. She continues to eat her food as Cream goes into their room, gets dressed, open the door again to go out of the room, hesitates on the steps. Then go down said steps. Blaze hears her walking towards the kitchen and finally appearing the kitchen.

Cream doesn't hesitate; she gets out her own cereal and milk and makes her own breakfast and start eating. Refusing to face Blaze, Blaze copies and focuses on eating her cereal. Blaze finishes first and then Cream copies her. They both clean their dishes and before Blaze can speak, Cream walks up their stairs and slams the door to their room shut. Blaze sighs and looks at the clock, they have about 20 minutes left before they have to go the end of their driveway for the bus.

Blaze waits and waits and waits. She has no idea if Amy is even up yet. So she keeps waiting for anything to happen or for the time to come to get out for the bus. Maybe then she can apologize to Cream without her leaving and not letting Blaze say anything. But until then or anything else, Blaze waits. She keeps waiting until she finally sees it's time to leave.

Cream also seemingly gets the memo as she's out of the door before Blaze can even react. Blaze follows slowly but surly and arrives to where Cream stands and subsequently stands next to her. Blaze looks at her, Cream does not look back at Blaze. Blaze opens her mouth.

"Are we going to talk?"

"Talk about what?"

"Last night"



Cream looks away and broods to herself

"Cream this isn't going to get better unless we talk it out."

Cream continues her stature.

"Well you should at least know... Amy and I are going to apologize to her."

Cream distightens her pose and looks at Blaze for a moment before going pack into a general sulking position. Blaze looks demotivated and sighs to herself. This is some sort of progress at the least. She can live with that. At least for now she can. Blaze hopes, she so dearly hopes. But nothings for certain. So she stands there waiting for the bus hoping that this moment can go faster. But like a cruel joke that only makes the time go slower and slower.

After an eternity of standing in silence, the bus comes. Doesn't matter as Cream immediately gets on leaving Blaze in the dust. Cream waits for her at their seat. Blaze shuffles in and Cream sits next to her, still sulking. Blaze tries to distract herself by looking out the window. But they still are on their street, so memories plague her. She honestly hopes Amy's fairing better. She checks her phone, nothing. Maybe Amy isn't awake after all. Who knows? Maybe Amy's too stressed. Blaze doesn't know how this make her feel. She feels terrible for not considering that until now. But again, who knows?

Nobody does and nobody answers Blaze's plea to make time faster. Because nothing can make time go faster, but if you ask Blaze, it can go slower. As far as she knows, she doesn't know. So she waits in the bus. Soon their road disappears into unfamiliar territory, so Blaze can look out the window again. Away from Cream's sulking. Which is fine, she can live with Cream sulking, it's mainly the face that it's about her.

They ride in the bus and continue until the go out of their area to the town and finally, to the school. They go past everything and they finally reach the school in a good amount of time. They stop, the bus waits for other buses to clear the path and then their bus goes forward to an open spot and then drops all of the kids on the bus off. Cream gets out followed by Blaze. They go down the isle once it's their turn. But as soon as they get off, Cream runs away. Presumably running to Marine. Even if Cream was in the wrong, which she isn't. Nobody's really in the wrong in this situation. Blaze can't blame her, she's heard that love make people insane. So this is fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.
Really, it's fine.

She should find Amy now.

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