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School is terrifying and terrible. That's one of the few things that her and most of her classmates could agree on. She goes into the school with Cream. They separate shortly though because Cream is still a year younger than her. That leaves Blaze by herself. She goes to where her first class is. Well key word: tries. She stopped by someone.

"Hi!" A random girl says to her

Blaze stops and looks around and then points to herself and tilts her head.

"Yeah, you"

"Sorry, do you need me for something?"

"Yeah, do you know where Mrs.... Um..."

"I can look at it for you." Blaze suggests.

"Oh! Thank you so much!"

She hands Blaze the paper.

"Oh, I have the same class. You can follow me. Also, the rooms are displayed on the far right side."

"Oh, thank you!"

"Ummm. I didn't get your name?"

"Oh it's Amy! Amy Rose."


Blaze and Amy stand nervously across from each other. A silence looms over them. Amy isn't one for silence though.

"We should go now!"

"Alr- oka-" Blaze is pulled away before she can finish her sentence.

Amy leads her to the classroom, getting hasty directions by Blaze. Amy just smiles and takes the advice in stride. They go down at a more than modest pace down the halls. Finally getting to the Classroom. Taking their seats. Amy smiles at Blaze, Blaze smiles back awkwardly. Amy just smiles brighter and turns to face the front. Class is almost starting after all.

"ahem" the teacher clears their throat. Looks at the class. Eyes any potential suspects for any trouble being caused. Then resumes to his attendance sheet.

"-Adams" "Here"

He goes through a bunch of names before coming to:

"Blaze Rabbit" "Here"

"Amy Rose" "Here!"

Blaze looks at Amy. She seems so full of life. Has she just never been to school in her life before? Maybe this school just sucks. Who knows? Besides obviously her. She seems nice. Maybe Blaze will keep her around it sure beats being basically alone just with a few friends. Maybe Cream was right, maybe she should try to enjoy school for once.

Rose is a nice name.

Blaze sits in that room barley listening to anything the teacher says she doesn't care about. She cares about Amy. She seems nice and she's super friendly towards her. They go through the class just looking at each other and smiling. Blaze hasn't felt this good in school since... forever! Amy really is better, better than this class, better than this school, better than her. Wow, did she just say that about herself?

"Alright, everything I said is on the papers I've given you. I hope you will learn in this class. If you have any questions just ask."

Blaze probably doesn't have questions or that's what she thinks at least. She just follows Amy out. Mirroring her movements. Up from their desks, out of the door and into the hall.

"That was boring... What class do you have next?"

"Oh! Um..."

Amy looks at Blaze's paper as she grabs it out of her bag

"Same class again! Lucky!" See turns and smiles at Blaze. Blaze smiles back. This is going to be the death of her, not that she minds it though. Amy's Nice and Friendly. Maybe a bit too nice and friendly. It's a nice change of pace though. Funny enough, she thinks she's never seen Amy before...



"Where are you from?"

"Oh! New York! I just moved from there to here!"
That explains a lot.

"Oh nice, I thought I didn't recognize you!"

Amy's happiness is seemingly contagious. Like it's the best plague ever. Blaze doesn't mine though. It's nice. They sit in comfortable silence. Just walking through the halls to their next class. It's nice that Amy can be quiet, you know, you want a friend that Balz-

"What's that?" Never mind. Not like she minds, she smiles to herself and walks over to where Amy is looking and pointing.

"Oh, that's the school's display case. Where they display sports and stuff."

"Oh, like music?"

"...yeah like that... do you like music?"

"More of a passing interest, but, yes I like it. I've always wanted to do it. Never could though too many... other things"

"That's nice, I do music"

Amy pauses it for a second.

"...Really?" She asks

"...Um...Yeah..." Amy looks starry eyed.

"OH MY GOSH HAVE Y-" Amy just keeps on rambling. Blaze likes music. She makes it in her free time. She isn't an expert or anything, but she knows the ins and outs. She takes music classes and likes them. But still... this is a lot. Blaze wonders why Amy is acting like this.

"HAVE YOU EV-" Blaze puts her fingers near Amy's lips, looks around and sighs. Releasing everything.

"I just enjoy producing a little. I take music classes and I say I enjoy it. But nothing too much. Please calm down" she says that last part in a joking way.

"Still! That's so impressive I could never-" she's rambling again. It's good background chatter though and Blaze leads her to their next class. Amy keeps chatting her head off at Blaze. Expressing her appreciation towards the art form. They finally get there. Amy is still expressing her joy. Blaze thinks that it's nice how much she appreciates it. Amy's very kind. Finally the teacher coughs and starts class.

This situation continues for another two classes. As they chat. They listen. They work. They walk from class to class. Until lunch comes. Blaze thinks Amy probably has tons of friends who wants to sit with her but to her surprise.



"Can I sit with you?"

"Uh... yeah... of course!"

Oh crap. How is she going to explain why she brought this random girl to sit with them? What about her friends? Are they going to sit with them? What else?

" What about your friends?"

"Oh! Um... well... I don't have any... well except for you?"

"Really? You seem like you would be very popular. Even though you just got here."
Amy's eyes basically pop out of her head. She's so shocked at what Blaze thought was a normal question and comment.

"Me? Popular? Oh, well... even at my old school I wasn't popular. Don't be so silly Blaze!" She does a horrible fake laugh and pats Blaze on the back.

"We should get in line... ha ha" Amy keeps fake laughing


They get in line for lunch. Get their lunch and go to their table. Where the others are waiting for them.

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