A Silver Focused Chapter

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              Silver wakes up, surprisingly. Take their medications and vitamin gummies. They get ready for the day. He wakes up early to avoid all the rest of his siblings. Eventually they all wake up when Silver is already ready. Ahead of the curve. Benefits both them and him. His Mom wakes up and get out earlier as she get her own personal bathroom. Breakfast is served. Which they share with all their siblings.

             Eventually all of the kids go out for the bus. They're close in age. It's the size of a bus stop, at one stop. At one house. All of them get on the bus. Some have friends on. Some, like Silver, do not. So Silver waits until they all get off at school. From their neighborhood to the larger town of their school. Getting off as soon as they get the bus driver will let all of them off. Silver suspects that they and their siblings make up about half of the bus population. Silver doesn't care though so he enters the building with no problems and goes to his first class of the day.

            Most classes for him suck, he does enjoy his AP English class though. Maybe they enjoy English for some reason. Doesn't matter. Most of his classes pass like usual. Then he gets to lunch where he can see his friends! Kinda. Marine and Cream are infatuated with each other. While Blaze and Amy seem to have this kinda weird aura around them. He still at least attempts to join into conversation or make some.

            "I hate the school's pizza" Marine complains flatly to no one in particular

            "What? How can you even say that, this tastes delicious" Silver says holding up their slice of pizza up for all to see proudly they might add

            "It tastes like mold and cardboard" Marine says and sticks her tongue out

            "This pizza tastes great!"

            "How can you even say that? It actually tastes terrible, I wanna vomit when I even just attempt to eat it"

            "You're overreacting"

            "No, actually I don't think I am, that's disgusting"

            "Whatever, I'll just enjoy my pizza"


            After a normal lunch Silver goes to two more periods by himself. Alone. Nobody else. They don't mind it too much...it's fine. They don't feel too lonely. They do miss the days when he, Blaze and Marine shared classes together. Those days seem to have long passed though. Maybe they're getting too far from each other. He has other friends, sure but these are his main friends. If they don't want to hang around him anymore, that's... he doesn't want to think about that right now. So he continues on with his day. Trying to forget what he's upset about and moving on.

            He gets to the eighth period with his usual smile and jovial attitude. Not noticing anything out of the normal. He goes back to his normal mood, nothing had changed. Everything is fine. He continues his normal way throughout the eighth period.

            "I have some leftover grapes if you want some Knuckles" Silver says

            "Really? Thank you" The Echidna graciously takes the grapes.

            "Why do you like grapes so much?"

            "They taste delicious"

            "That's it, no special reason?"

            "Nope, I just like 'em" Knuckles says as he consumes the grapes.

            The period finishes and with that another day of high school passes Silver by. They don't mind too much...mostly. He waves goodbye and get on his bus. People are already on and he sits down, simultaneously relieved and mad that they day has ended. Eventually the bus packs on and everyone goes home. Silver arrives home like usual with his siblings who all do their own thing. Silver goes into his room which he shares with a few others and starts to write and listen to music. Enjoying himself.

           Eventually his Mom comes home and cooks dinner. He and his siblings eat all of it, no leftovers. One of the few perks of having so many kids. Everyone leaves, except for Silver who cleans up the plates with his Mother. She thanks him and they finish up in good time. Silver then goes to the living room with his Mom and all their siblings and sit down and watch TV. Silver's Dad finally comes home. Exhausted and as soon as he hits his chair, he's out, cold.

           Nobody minds, barley anyone notices. This same thing happens everyday. He has a long hard job. But then all the rest of them go to sleep following in his footsteps. Silver's Mom wakes Silver's Dad to go to bed, he sleepily follows her to their bedroom. All of them get ready and do anything they couldn't do or should've done in the morning and all their nightly chores. Slowly but steadily they all get to their beds and go to sleep. Silver stays up a bit more to read and write. But eventually the sandman comes for them too. Silver goes to sleep confused yet happy. Good for another day, at least.

           Silver wakes up again at 12:00 am when they hear their Dad go to work. After he leaves, Silver can't get back to sleep. No matter how hard they try. Eventually they give up and stare upwards towards nothing, then he gets board of doing that and takes out his phone and earbuds and starts writing and listening to music. Not too loudly but enough for themselves. This doesn't happen too often for Silver. Usually they wake up late, really late. But the sun comes as it always does and Silver gets out of bed and does their normal routine. Like usual.

           His siblings follow after a bit. They do all their normal routines. Eat breakfast and then pack up and then wait until the bus comes. After that they pack on said bus and leave for their school, where they will remain until it is time for them to go home. Again. Like usual. Then they will do it all again. All of them. Not like any of them mind too much, except for maybe one.

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