Amy's Art Class

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Amy likes Art well enough. She gets it and she usually likes the teachers and how they teach. Art can be good, art class can be good. believes and knows that at least. She goes into the class and sits herself down at a random spot. She waits for the teacher to come. The teacher does and sits at her desk. This isn't too big of a class, a few kids, about 9-12. Small but smaller is better than bigger. So Amy enjoys it and this class seems good, at least so far. So far, so good. The teacher and students organizes themselves as the clock goes to the bell. Finally, the bell rings and everything can start.

Amy and the others look at the teacher. Who conducts herself in a extremely professional manner. She gets out of the seat and goes to the front, where a chalkboard hangs. She looks at all of her students. She frowns. She sighs and conducts herself again. She starts to draw. She keeps drawing. Nobody can tell what she's drawing. They pay attention. Amy is extremely intrigued by this. As the teacher continues. More people become confused as to what she is doing. Finally, she stops and turns to the class.

On the chalkboard it is a shape conducted with circles, triangles, squares, diamonds, rectangles, stars, even some trapazoids. This deceptively simple drawing has some many moving parts to it. You can see the shapes. But they are placed in a way where you can't put your finger on it but it's weird or at least that's what the students think. It could be their imagination or an optical illusion. A trick of some kind. They don't know though, so as long as they don't, they are coming along for the ride.

The teacher coughs and points to the shape or shapes. She looks at the class and looks at them with disapproval. She frowns at them and sighs again. She looks around again and she focuses on each and every one of them. Finally getting to Amy, she looks at her and Amy swears she sees her look at her with more disgust and disgrace than everyone else. She tries to ignore it. But she can't.

"Alright, class. Draw this."

The teacher sits back down and starts working on paperwork. Everyone pauses before slowly but surely going to work on this project. They try to get it perfect. None of them can, they try and try and try and try. None of them even get it close to correct. One of them tries projecting it under a piece of paper and it still doesn't look right.

Nobody can figure this out. Finally one the students gets the guts to get up and ask.

"Excuse me, how do you do this?"

"That's for you to figure out."


She clears her throat

"This is your only project this whole year. If you can complete it, you will get a passing grade, if you can't, then you will not pass. This is your one and only assignment. No extra credit or optional projects. This is all you can do. I suggest all of you try your hardest and get to work. You can easily complete this with the time given. So, chop chop! You only have so much time!"

The teacher sits back at her desk. While the student stand dumbfounded until finally returning to their seat. Where they sit and try. Again everyone stops but they slowly but surely gets back to work. They try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try and try. All of them try the whole period, nothing working. Nobody even getting close to what they see on the chalkboard. They look and study it. They keep looking and keep studying it.

The teacher keeps working and working. The students keep working and working. Both of them keep working. While the teacher fills out paperwork, the students try to keep going and going. The students try and fail, try and fail, try and fail. All of them. Amy seems to be extremely struggling, as she thinks she gets it right, then looks again and she doesn't. She looks back to the original symbol, it still looks the same. Hers looks nothing like it and she doesn't undetand why or how.

Lots of repetition commences. Work. Work. Work. Work. Trying and Failing. This seriously can't be the only project. There has to be another one. This is a joke, right? If not, then why is she doing this? To prove a point? To prove she's better than all of them? Nobody has any idea, so they keep trying to make it work. Some people try to do it plainly, some cheat, and some try random. Nobody gets it.

Finally some get sick of it. Some give up and some are already calling or leaving to change their class or something else. Some are calling to ask if this teacher is serious and how can they let her do this, if so. They are very confused. A mass exodus occurs. About 10 students leave. Leaving about 5 students in the class, total. Apparently the faculty is used to this, somehow. The students don't understand and they leave, extremely quickly. They are thankful they get that option. Those who are left try and try and try. They get nowhere.

The bell rings. Everyone left gets up and leaves. The teacher doesn't even say goodbye. Some students like Amy try and wave but the teacher doesn't react. They have no idea why. They walk out and go to their next class. They leave and never look back. They have to go back there for the entire school year. They probably won't make it they think or finish this project. They absolutely have no idea why they do this. They absolutely have no idea who can do this. They have absolutely no idea how they will do the. They have absolutely no idea, period.

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