The Day After

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Blaze wakes up ready and excited for the new day. Bright and early. Before anyone else. That last one might be an issue. But she doesn't care! She's dating Amy! Actually officially dating Amy! This is a dream or a messed up nightmare! She's so happy she immediately gets and up and gets ready for the day then waits. Wait and waits. She probably got up too early.

Amy wakes up early to. But more to think about everything. How she got here. How everything she has done got her a girlfriend who loves and cares for her. Despite seeing both of parents worst sides and hers as well. Someone who can love her with all her flaws. Amy is so happy she could scream. Which she does a couple of times into her pillow. The more things change the more they stay the same.

Blaze gives her Mom the shock of her life when she randomly sees Blaze up and waiting, way too early. Vanilla decides not to acknowledge it as it only takes her a few moments to actually figure out why. Cream and Marine come down a bit after her, not seemingly noticing how early Blaze is up at, instead teasing her about her new relationship. Until Blaze reminds them of their own embarrassing relationship, which makes them stop teasing her and makes them go silent and go do whatever they need to do instead of teasing Blaze with her relationship.

Amy almost doesn't wake up in time. Only realizing after a bit that her alarm is beeping. She shuts it off and gets up slowly. She's not tired or droopy, Amy is completely lost in though. She stays the same way all to the bus. When brushing her teeth, when she eat breakfast, when she puts on her backpack, then when she out waiting for the bus at the end of the driveway. Even when the bus pulls up and lets her on, she's on autopilot. Sitting down in her seat and thinking and thinking all the way to school.

After the morning both of them get to school and get to class. Blaze is excited to see Amy who is already in the classroom.

"Hey, Amy."

"...Hi, Blaze"


"No just lost in thought"

"Well how is my girlfriend doing?"

"I have no idea"

"What are you thinking about?"

"All of this! I can't believe this! What did I do to get a girlfriend like you?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I mean, after all of this... my parents, me, all my stupid classes and everything... All of this, I have horrible luck"

"All that mean it's not your fault."

"Then why does it still feel like it is?"

"Even if it is, I still love you."

" love me?"


"Why was that a question?"


"I love you too"

"Well... that's good to hear."

"You're telling me"

The two go through their normal classes with nothing abnormal happening. The only difference is now they are together. Amy reaches for Blaze's hand in the middle of first period and Blaze holds it. They keep this up all throughout the day. Getting to lunch is normal. All their normal classes with their normal teachers.


"You're telling me Silver"

"Marine, Silver. Stop talking about our relationship while we're right here."

"What? Can't we be happy for you?" Silver asks

"Yes. You can. Just stop acting like you placed bets on us." Blaze says


"You placed bets on us?" Blaze asks.

"...only a few"

"Silver get over here." Blaze tells the other.

"...Why?" Silver asks extremely concerned

"Because I'm going to kill you." Blaze says and gets up from her seat, Silver gets off their seat and tries to run away.

After lunch. Blaze and Amy get up and leave. Amy doesn't have art anymore. As the school is still looking for an Art teacher. So she goes with Blaze now to her class due to her having a free period. Cream and Marine and Blaze and Amy all walk down to the middle school. The formor of the couple dispersed first, leaving the second one to go to the music room.

While Blaze works, Amy looks and lies around. Doing whatever she can to pass the time. Blaze works hard. Again and again. Getting support from her girlfriend whenever she can't do anything. Amy sits next to Blaze most of the time looking around at the scenery. There's a lot more to look at in this room. The teacher's constant notes, the posters on the walls. All the computers and the chairs that are unmoving yet haphazard in the lines. Stuff that Cream would actually hate to be in more than a few seconds if she couldn't clean it. Wait, don't they have music class here? Doesn't matter. Blaze doesn't want to Cream to suffer or maybe she doesn't notice it all that much. It doesn't seem to move anyways. Maybe she ignored it, yeah, like that would ever be the case. Doesn't matter, only a thought.

The period pasts fast with both of them in the same room, like all the other periods. Then they head to study hall. Arriving at study hall for their first few times together. Sitting down together. Doing their homework together. Holding hands together. Doing everything together until study hall is over. They leave going to the next period. They see Silver giving Money to Knuckles. Knuckles sees them coming.

"Thanks you two!" Amy smiles and waves while Blaze storms up to Silver who runs for it. Amy sits down across from Knuckles.

"How could you tell?"

"Pretty easy... Many say I'm a romantic, I have a way with people, well, some people. Talking to girls is hard sometimes"

"I get you" Amy says while looking at Blaze dreamingly while Blaze tries to maul Silver to death for his ignorance

The rest of the period goes normally, for the most part. Tails tells them exactly how she knew the two had crushes on each other (with diagrams and sources to back up her presentation). All Amy and Blaze can do is look while all the other take notes.

Amy hugs Blaze before Blaze gets on her bus and waves goodbye. Blaze smiles and gets on the bus. Watching Amy get on hers. Blaze sits down and gets laughed at by Marine and Cream who tease her again. But this time she doesn't mind that much, letting the two fade into background noise.

Blaze gets home and sleeps. Amy gets home and screams into her pillow. They do all their normal stuff, eat dinner, rest and lay around. Then prepare for bed the best way possible then go to sleep. Blaze and Amy can't wait for tomorrow, going to sleep as soon as possible to get the next day started already.

They wake up and do the same thing again.

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