A total nervous wreck of an Art Class

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Now for the other thing Amy was worried about today. Art Class. She hopes that this project can be submitted so she doesn't have to worry about it anymore and it can stop haunting her. Despite it only being in her possession for one day, she's already sick and tired of it. Amy wants to burn and rip it up, but she still has to get a grade for it. So she enters her art class with determination and a plan. A plan that she thinks could never possibly fail. A plan that at least shouldn't fail in any normal circumstance. Hopefully.

Amy stands and walks up. She picks up her project. Hears herself up and goes to the teacher. Everyone is probably looking at her. She continues to walk and finally arrives to the teacher, who is distracted at her work. Amy hands her the drawing. The teacher looks neutral and takes the picture. She seemingly looks at it with accurate precision. She scans over it, checking for any mistakes. Amy stands there nervously. The teacher checks it over and over again. Maybe Amy and Blaze did crack the code. But that hope is shattered in an instant.

"This isn't correct, try again" the teacher hands Amy the paper nonchalantly before turning quickly back to her own work. Amy stands there dumbstruck for a few seconds before turning back and heading to her seat where she sits down and evaluates her position. Amy decompresses herself. She reassembles herself and starts to work again. Starting it again and again and AGAIN. She still can't get it. She keeps trying. She's hoping that it will work this time. She's hoping something will change and she can finally crack the code. Hopefully. She can only hope. She can only try, only try for so long.

Amy sighs and keeps working she has to get this. At least eventually. Something. Anything. Should work. Something. Anything. Something. Anything. Something. Anything. Some Thing. Any Thing. Some Thing. Any Thing. Something. Anything. Something. Anything. Who knows? She doesn't. Any possible Thing. She doesn't know. She doesn't get it. She can't figure it out. Amy doesn't know a fraction of any way she can possibly solve this she doesn't know. She has no clue how to. There's no map. No key. No saving Grace. No surprise. No fake challenge or silly twist or anything. If this were normal, someone would've figured it out and finished it.

Amy thinks another person left the class in between yesterday and today. She likes Art but this is insanity.

Amy goes into the study hall with the same hopeless mood given to her from the Art class. Blaze follows a moment later. She sees Amy deflated by the pervious class. Blaze frowns and goes to her. She sits down and looks at Amy. Amy has her bottom half of her face on the desk with her nose and eyes peeking out. Blaze looks at her wondering what she can do. So she gives her a hug. Blaze wraps her arms around Amy. Amy blushes a crimson red, Blaze can't see her display of redness as she closes her eyes after she starts to hug Amy. Blaze lets go after what seems like an embarrassing eternity to Amy and a few seconds for Blaze. Blaze smiles as she lets go of Amy, while Amy is still red and now in an unexpectedly joyous mood. Blaze's smile becomes more subdued and she opens her eyes to Amy to ask her a question.

"So what happened?"

"Our plan didn't work"


"Yeah she just said 'wrong' and handed me back the paper. I have no idea what to do now" After she finishes speaking Amy puts her hands on her head. Blaze's face now sports a slightly sad look.

"You should drop that class."

"Maybe I should... but I want an Art credit"


"So I can start my Art degree"

"You're starting pretty early."

"Yeah, it's so I can afford it"

"Oh, sorry to hear that."

"Well it's My parents, they aren't very supportive of getting an Art degree, so I decided to do it myself" Amy smiles

"Oh, nice."

They begin to work on their homework. Again, like yesterday. Pretty Simple. Already the monotony of school is kicking in. It only gets a bit harder or starts really hard or it starts easy and continues to be easy. Who cares which one it is? It depends on the class anyways. School is a dull monotone sound that repeats and repeats. But that's school for you. Elementary, Middle, or High. School is for monotony.

But they do their work. They're good students, relatively speaking. So they work to get their homework done. To reach the end. To concur the day. The finish the challenge. To get a good grade. So they won't get marked up or fail because they didn't do it. Sure you could rely on tests, but why would you do that unless your absolutely out of time. Even then you would assume you would still do some stuff. You know it makes sense right? You would do your work to do better. Do more homework, get a better grade. Get a better grade, more chance of passing.

They continue to work until they get done, then after they are done they resume talking. They talk and talk about whatever comes to mind. Blabbing about whatever they want to tell the other. As usual Amy leads the conversation while Blaze takes a more subdued approach but that's what works for them. They talk in their particular system and continue to do so until the period ends and they leave for eighth period. They pick up their stuff, they walk out and they leave their place going along with the other students out of the classroom, leaving no trace that they were even possibly here in any capacity. Now they are walking amongst a sea of students until they get to their next place where they will be until the end of the day.

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