The Way Home

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Usually Blaze finds it nice that Marine rides the bus home. But now it's extremely awkward. Marine and Cream sit in one seat while Blaze sits in another. They sit in the dead middle of the bus. Chatter from both the back and front. But none from the middle. Blaze hates being in the open. But she realizes it's necessary for Cream to comfort Marine. She can't believe she's thinking this but she really hopes Marine had a bad day. Blaze really hopes that Marine isn't jealous or angry. She doesn't know though, that's what makes it more than a simple problem.

She can't see Marine but she hates how she probably made her feel. Obviously she didn't mean it, this seemed to be a consequence from bringing in a new friend. Amy was extremely nice and kind and. Blaze was rambling but Amy was great. Doesn't matter what Marine thinks. But Blaze hopes she feels better soon. She really hopes she's in a bad mood or something rather than actually being mad at Amy or her or both of them. That would be bad. Especially since that puts Marine in an awkward spot and Blaze in an awkward spot and Amy and her mom and Cream and probably Silver as well. This could be bad. For a lot of them. This could be extremely bad.
But she doesn't know what Marine is feeling. Maybe she'll get over it. That's what she reasons to herself. Not the best, but it'll work. It will all be fine... right? She doesn't know. She can't know.

It's impossible. So she keep reasoning with herself and hopes one of her excuses will be enough for her. At least she's calm and nothing is coming out. That's one thing she had going for her. That's one thing she can count on. Thank goodness. But the confusion, pain and the sometimes overwhelming fear of dread that comes to her makes it harder. She doesn't need to focus on that though. She tries to not focus on it. She really tries.

She keeps trying. It's hard. It's really hard. Extremely hard. She doesn't want to leave them alone but she has to. Blaze hates this, she hates this so much. It's that bad. It's just that bad. She looks at Marine, she looks so sad while Cream calms her and pats her back. Blaze really hates this. Blaze extremely hates this Why does she feel regret for something she can't even control? She has absolutely no idea. She really really really really really really really really really really really really really hates this.

Amy doesn't look back as soon as she gets on the bus. She can't look back. She looks out the window and looks at the field and parking lot outside her window. Those only distract her for so long. She waits for the bus to start. She waits. There's nobody to talk too here. She's alone. This bus is too quiet. Way to quiet. Too quiet for high school or her. Too quiet. But her head is too loud. Maybe that's why she wants everything and everyone to be so loud. She wants to block out her thoughts.

Finally, the bus starts moving. Some ambient noise to calm her nerves. A hit of dopamine for her sanity crying out for it. A thankful blessing that will go away soon. A momentary distraction. A final waiver towards the day and everything that has happened. A closing remark. The funeral of the day before the day even ended. She sees this because she wants this day to be over and surprisingly wants to go home. Maybe it's so she can relax. Amy wants to go home and rest and not have to wake up until the next day of school tomorrow forces her to.

The bus trudges down through the town and finally up onto the hills that all the 'rich' kids live in. Most of them are actually upper middle class like Amy, not actually rich. If they were actually rich they would be in New York or California in the cities or up on some hill or mountain with their family. Good for them. Amy doesn't envy them. She hates their stupid lifestyles. The business parties she attends with her family tell her such. Overblown and stupid and pointless. Filled with crap. Filled with fakeness.

She barely knows Marine but she can't help but feel bad. She hates how she makes her feel. She blames herself. She knows she shouldn't but Amy can't help herself. It's her response to problems like these. Respond with a version of how it's her fault and how she can fix it. She can't fix this. At least not immediately. She has no idea. How can someone who she just met already affect her life so much? It's because she's a friend. One of the few she has and it involves another friend, Blaze. One she already thinks very high of. She's nice to her. Amy is extremely thankful for that, she hopes that doesn't change.

Finally, the first person gets off, then another and then another. Then it's her turn. The fourth person. Usually an advantage but now she needs more than ever to distract herself. The bus goes up to her house then stops. She gets up as soon as the bus stops fully. She walks through the isle. She gets off the bus and walks. Then she hears the hiss of the bus and then movement of said bus. Now she's alone with her thoughts again. She walks inside full of regret. Into an empty house full of regret.

Meanwhile, Silver's on another bus board out of their mind, having no idea what's going on. He tries to find something to do. They can't. He looks out the window. Looks where the bus is. He doesn't recognize it. They sigh and slump into their seats. He looks around for anything, he can't find anything.

"Has the bus ride always been this long?"

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