Today is a Day

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Marine hates herself for her only escapes being school and Blaze and Cream's house. Marine hates herself about never being able to stand up to her parents. Marine hates how she's such a coward. Marine hates how she can never confront her feelings. Marine hates her life and that anything good that comes out of it is used a fuel for hate. Marine hates her parents. Marine hates herself. Marine hates a lot. A lot. So much and she hates it all.

Marine loves Cream though. No matter what, Cream makes her day. She loves her too much, Marine loves her too much to confess to her. It's hard to keep feelings in. Especially for so long. All that does is make it harder to be around her. Thank whoever made Cream so touchy, because without that Marine wouldn't survive. Now, Marine is crying on Cream's shoulder. She's happy it's her and not alone.

She's so fortunate Cream cares about her. Marine loves it so much. She loves her so much. Too bad they don't have any periods besides a few with her. Including first and second but somehow she gets through it and gets to see Cream at third period, their study hall. Where Cream makes sure Marine is okay. Marine isn't and relays as such.

"...WHAT did they say to you?" Cream says through gritted teeth.

"...I've heard wor-" Marine starts

"Marine! This is serious! They shouldn't be treating you like that!"

"I know they shouldn't..."

"...then why do you let them..."

"...I...I-I... don't know"

Marine starts to cry again, less than before. But enough for Cream to get some tissues and for Cream to pat her on the back.

"I don't know what to do."

"Well, it's hard to deal with, you know, that"

Blaze and Amy are in their third period gym class. They're on the same team playing Basketball. They have three teams so it's their teams turn out. Blaze takes a drink of her water to refresh herself.

"I just don't know what to do."

Amy sighs and pats Blaze on the back

"Do I act like I know or not?"

"I have no idea."

Amy and Blaze walk up to the table where Marine and Cream are sitting. They sit in their seats and look at the other two. Marine is face down while Cream is trying to comfort her.

"Is she okay?" Blaze asks. Cream mouths a 'no'. Blaze looks concerned, Amy is concerned and confused. Then Silver shows up.

"HEY GUYS! What's up with Marine?"

Marine picks her head up and looks them dead in the eye

"What. Do. You. Think?" Marine says with tears pouring out of her eyes and an extremely harsh and frustrated look. Silver stops talking after that and Marine puts her head back down.

Marine is still the same in the free period and the same on the bus ride home. Cream continues to comfort her no matter what. It makes sense why she's so sad. She's miserable and everyone can see why. It makes perfect sense. So Blaze sits, not complaining or trying to help Cream unless she asks for it.

Marine gets off of her house, still sad. Blaze can only hope nothing happens. Then her and Cream get off and go into their house. Cream and her go upstairs and Cream stays in the room, to cry. Blaze doesn't even need to guess, it's painfully obvious. Cream loves Marine. It probably hurts so much to see someone you love feel so much pain and sadness.

Blaze exhales and gets on her phone downstairs, where she texts Amy. Continuing to distract herself until...

Amy: Should we do something to help Marine?

Oh, sweet Amy. Why do you have to care so much?

Blaze: Marine has home troubles. Cream seems to be managing relatively well. So I think we're good, this has happened before.

Amy: How many times has this happened?

Blaze: I have no idea.

Amy looks at herself in her bedroom mirror. How can she help? Is Blaze right? Should Amy try something different to help Marine? She doesn't know.

Amy: Wow

Blaze: Yes. It's horrible, honestly.

Amy: We should change the subject

Blaze: Thank you

Amy is still awake when night hits. She's worried about Marine and Cream and Blaze. All three of them. Is Silver involved? He seems to at least know. Maybe she should follow his example and stay out of it. Amy still can shrug it off though. It's a lot.

Blaze is also still awake. She can't fall asleep. She decides to alleviate that problem, at least a little bit. She gets up for a glass of water. To her surprise her Mom is there in the living room, sitting silently.

"Are you okay Blaze?"

"I'm fine. I just can't sleep."

"Blaze, I know something happened."

That stops Blaze in her tracks.

"...ask Cream."

"I already asked her."

"Alright." Blaze sits down across from her Mother.

"...You know Marine's Parents."

"What did they do this time?"

"Same thing as always, Verbal Abuse directed at Marine, as far as I know."

"...I hate this. She doesn't deserve that. Marine is a good kid"

"I know Mom. I know."

"...Well, thank you for telling me at least."

"Your Welcome... Good Night."

"Good Night Blaze, I Love You."

"I Love You too Mom."

Blaze goes to get her drink. She hears her Mom go up the stairs and close her door, hard. She finishes her drink and goes back up stairs. Silently going up and going to bed. It still takes a while but eventually she gets to sleep, not having to cry in the process.

Marine enters her house. It's Empty or seemingly empty. Good, she like it like this. She goes upstairs and does her homework. Nobody comes home today. Weird, but nothing uncalled for. So she keeps working. Goes to bed at a normal time and sleeps until her body won't let her anymore. She wakes in time for her normal time and she goes back to her regular routine. Rushing and exiting for a new day. Time for Friday. Hopefully today and the weekend will be better. Marine can hope at least. At least she might be able to rest. She's tired.

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