PLS don't read this, this is so old

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This is just a reference for later chapters

-can speak fluent Spanish
-slightly tanned
-transmasc non-binary (he unfortunately doesn't have enough money for bottom surgery, but he takes testosterone, and he has top surgery scars)
-uses he/they pronouns
-dosen't actually hate Skid and Pump, they just annoy him
-his nicknames for Streber are 'baby bat' or 'little bat'

-german (but he was born in Arizona, so she doesn't have an accent)
-can speak fluent german
-VERY pale
-uses he/she/they pronouns
-has a prosthetic arm
-has PTSD after the whole 'Bob incident'
-Streber actually has alot of nicknames for Kevin, but the main nickname he uses is 'sweet boy'

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