hard candy🔥/🚫

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(aight Bois! It's time for Kevin to use a strap-on on Streber! This'll contain strap-on's, pegging, some light dom/sub elements, and praise kink)

Kevin had pinned Streber to the bed and the two men were making out.

After a while of their tongues fighting for dominince, Kevin eventually pulled away from Streber, the only thing connecting them together was a long string of saliva.

Streber quietly giggled, "what's wrong candy boy?" He said in a smug tone, "Heh, nothing Strebs, just needed to catch my breath" Kevin responded, panting heavily.

Kevin gently caressed Streber's cheek, he was so lucky to have someone like Streber, to the point where he often wondered if he deserved them, his eyes eventually looked down at Streber's boxers, he couldn't help but notice Streber's boner.

"Oh my~" Kevin said seductively, he started to gently stroke Streber's erection through his underwear, causing Streber to whimper quietly, "someone's desperate" Kevin teased.

"I-i'm just- hah~ excited Kev, that's- mh~ all" Streber panted, Kevin smirked, he loved seeing his boyfriend get all flustered, he leaned down and gently kissed Streber on his forehead.

"H-hey Kev? Could you um... Help me out with this?" Streber asked, he wanted his dick inside Kevin's pussy so badly, "well..." Kevin started, "there is something I wanted to try out", Kevin got off the bed and went over to what looked like an Amazon package.

Streber looked over at Kevin, confused, "uh...Kev? What're you doing?", Kevin simply smirked as he pulled something out of the box, "do you remember that thing I said I wanted to try?", Streber tilted his head in confusion, before realising what Kevin was talking about, to which her cheeks immediately went bright red.

"So... You have it?" Streber asked, Kevin responded by turning around to show off the strap-on, the strap was less of a 'strap' and more like a pair of black underwear with a dildo attached to it, the dildo itself was purple, and around 8 inches in length.

Streber was fully intending on topping Kevin and filling his Pussy with his cum, but suddenly he wanted the strap inside of him so badly, "whatcha think Strebs? Wanna try it out?" Kevin asked, his face full of lust, Streber looked up at Kevin, hungry with desire, as he responded with a simple "more than anything...".

Kevin smiled, and slowly removed his own boxers and put on the strap, he whimpered quietly as he felt the strap slightly grind against his cunt, Streber responded by taking off their own boxers, causing his cock to spring up immediately, god... He really was desperate.

Kevin grabbed a bottle of lube from the bedside table and got back on the bed with Streber, "open your legs for me baby bat~", Kevin's voice was demanding but also soft at the same time, Streber did as he was told, spreading his legs, exposing his anus to Kevin.

Kevin squirted some lube onto his hand and stroked the dildo, covering it in the substance, before placing a hand on the back of Streber's thigh, "I'm gonna spread you open now, okay Streber?", Streber smiled and nodded "okay", Streber breathed in, preparing himself for Kevin's fingers.

Kevin slowly circled his finger around Streber's anus before gently pushing it inside him, Streber bit down on his lip, trying to stifle a whimper, Kevin simply giggled in response as he proceeded to slowly thrust his finger in and out of Streber's hole.

After a while Kevin inserted another lube-covered finger into Streber, causing them to quietly moan, "shh, shh, you're doing such a good job Strebs", after a few more pumps, Kevin gently removed his fingers from Streber's ass.

"Shiiiit... Kevin please put it in me! I-i can't take it anymore" Streber cried, his face red from blushing, "you're so needy Strebs, I can't put it all in at once baby bat~, you could get hurt~" Kevin responded softly.

The taller man gently grabbed Streber's thighs and positioned the strap inches from Streber's anus, "if it gets too much to handle, just say 'red' okay?" Streber didn't say anything, instead he just nodded in response.

Kevin slowly pushed the dildo into Streber's ass, earning little moans and whimpers from the smaller male, "does that feel nice?" Kevin whispered, both teasing him, but also trying to make sure Streber was enjoying himself, "fu-fuck~ yes! That feels- ah! S-s-so good Kev!", Streber managed to moan out.

Kevin smiled lovingly at his boyfriend, "you want me to start moving now?", "Y-yes please".

Kevin pulled the dildo out, only to gently push it back into him, causing Streber to moan again, Kevin thrust in and out of Streber at a steady rhythm, Kevin looked down at Streber's hole, watching as the dildo slid in and out of Streber's tight ass, he then looked at Streber's pleasured face, his tongue was out, his eyes had slightly rolled back and his eyelids were half lidded, god... He looked cute.

"Ah! Oh, Kev! P-please go faster!" Streber pleaded, Kevin stopped, only to push his legs apart and violently slam into him, Streber let out a loud moan, not giving a shit if his neighbours heard them, he could barely hear Kevin's quiet moans over his own loud ones.

Suddenly, Streber felt Kevin's hand on his cock as Kevin started to pump it up and down quickly, "AH! OH FUCK! K-KEVIN PLEASE-AH! PLEASE DON'T STOP" Streber screamed out, earning a tiny giggle from Kevin.

"SHIT! MH! KEVIN I'M SO- AH! SO CLOSE! OH~!" Streber screamed out, feeling his orgasm approaching, Kevin leaned down closer to Streber's face, kissed him on the cheek and gently whispered "cum for me baby bat~".

That sent Streber over the edge, he let a scream that sounded like Kevin's name as a white substance shot out of his dick and onto Kevin's hand, "that's it streby~ you did such a good job", Kevin said, whilst pumping his cock, helping him ride out his orgasm.

Streber was left panting, cum dripping onto his stomach, "you alright baby bat?", Kevin asked, making sure he didn't go to rough on him, "y-yeah, I'm f-fine", Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, "good, you really enjoyed that Strebs, maybe I should use this strap more often", Kevin teased.

With some help, Streber managed to lift himself up from the bed, "I'll go run us a bath", he said, still panting, "uh...are you sure Streber? That orgasm took alot out of you..." Kevin said concerned, Streber just laughed, "I'll be fine Kev! And besides, you did all the work, it's only fair".

"Um, Streber, before you go...", Streber turned to face Kevin, "yes?".

"I love you so much".

Streber blushed, and then smiled "I love you too candyboy~".

(I was giving myself a heart attack writing this, ISTG)

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