first time for everything 🔥/🚫

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(I'm addicted to writing smut, this fic contains first times, virginity loss, cunnillingus, Kevin getting his hymen fucking BROKEN, and some slight blood, also this happens before Kevin gets top surgery, so some AFAB language, and mentions of tiddy)

This was the perfect evening...

Kevin and Streber had just come back from their date, they had gone to the cinema to watch one of those cheesy low budget horror movies, that was...actually kinda scary, and they had also gotten ice cream, not the most fancy or expensive date, but they didn't care about money, or anything like that...

the fact that they even got to spend time together was worth it...

The two men were just talking about random stuff, movies, general interests, etc, so neither of them were exactly sure how the topic of sex came up, but here they were, discussing their sex lives...

"So...what's uh...your body count?", Streber asked nervously, tapping his fingers on his knee, Kevin chuckled nervously at the question, "uh...don't laugh, I'm a virgin", he confessed, "Seriously? I figured you'd have a shit ton of people lining up to sleep with you", Streber said, Kevin rolled his eyes, he obviously knew that Streber was just trying to be nice, and he appreciated it...

"Let's uh...change the subject, have you had sex with people before me?", Kevin asked, Streber's face flushed a deep red colour, being a virgin was one thing, but Streber didn't know shit about sex, sure, he knew what sex was, but his knowledge only went as far as the missionary position, and blowjobs, that was it...

That's what growing up in a strict religious family does to you...

"'m a virgin too...", Streber answered quickly, averting his eyes in embarrassment, he felt too flustered to even look Kevin in the eyes, there was an awkward silence...

The two men were both virgins...obviously they'd have to do something about that...

Later, him and Kevin were sitting in his bedroom, Streber was completely naked, save for a GIR hoodie, and Kevin was only in his boxers, and a white chest binder, the binder wasn't a permanent addition, just something Kevin would wear until he could scrounge up enough money to have his boobs chopped off.

"So...we're really about to do this, huh?", Streber said, his face almost as red as a cherry, "hey, Strebs? Could you tell me if you get uncomfortable at any point?", Kevin asked, when he noticed Streber's slight uneasiness, Streber nodded, "okay! I'll try".

Kevin laid down on the bed, as Streber sat in front of him, grabbing the hem of his boxers, Streber hesitated slightly, before slowly pulling down Kevin's boxers, what he saw between Kevin's legs was quite the sight...

Kevin's pussy was swollen and dripping between his spread thighs, he had a t-dick from testosterone usage that sat between the two plump, hairy lips, and it was stiff enough to jut out between them, Streber knew that Kevin was trans, but he hadn't ever seen anything below his belt before, god he was beautiful.

"I...uh...sorry about not shaving, I didn't exactly think we'd be having sex for the first time tonight...", Kevin said in embarrassment, Streber placed a hand on his shoulder, "I don't mind Kev, you don't gotta be clean shaven or anything, I'll still go down on you~".

Kevin smiled, happy to know that Streber didn't mind him having pubic hair, when Kevin was 16, and first started taking testosterone, he was told his voice would get deeper, he'd get an Adam's apple, his clitoris would elongate, etc...

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