PSA thingy (sorta)

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Listen, it's perfectly fine to be upset about Kevin not being trans, but there are 2 important things to remember

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Listen, it's perfectly fine to be upset about Kevin not being trans, but there are 2 important things to remember...

Kevin is Sr. Pelo's character, he's the only one who has control over what he decides to do with his characters, if he wants to make a character cis, that's completely fine, it's HIS desicion...

He never said you can't HEADCANON Kevin as trans, people's headcanons don't have to 100% align with canon, if you wanna headcanon Kevin as transmasc, go right ahead! No one's stopping you!

If someone headcanoned one of my characters as trans, I would be completely fine with that, even if they're not trans, as long as you're not hurting anyone, you can headcanon whatever you want...

This also applies to Streber, for context, Pelo "confirmed" that Streber is dead...

Now, this is Sr, Pelo we're talking about here, he's joked about Streber being dead before, so it's entirely possible that he's just baiting people, and Streber's perfectly fine

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Now, this is Sr, Pelo we're talking about here, he's joked about Streber being dead before, so it's entirely possible that he's just baiting people, and Streber's perfectly fine...

But if Pelo is being serious, and Streber is actually dead, so what? You can still headcanon him surviving...

I think this tweet summarises it best...

I think this tweet summarises it best

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Sr. Pelo never said you couldn't headcanon Kevin as trans, he just said he's not CANONICALLY trans...

And you can still headcanon Streber as alive...

Just do whatever makes you happy🤗

(Also, for the love of God, please don't harass Pelo, that's just a shitty thing to do...)

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