the real thing🔥/🚫

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(this was a request I had for H3NRY1SK1ND4H0M0's candybats oneshots, they've discontinued them, but they've said it's okay for me to write it instead)

(this'll contain, fleshlights, sex toys, edging, orgasm denial, praise kink, power bottoming, and some slight dom/sub elements)

Kevin walked into his and Streber's apartment, he had been let off early from work, and honestly? He'd take any opportunity to not have to work...

The atmosphere felt different the second he entered the apartment, Streber wasn't anywhere to be seen, understandable, Kevin did get off work early today, so Streber was probably working at the haunted house right now...

Don't ask WHY Streber had a haunted house up in summer, he's just quirky like that...

Kevin assumed that was the reason...until he heard whimpers and breathy moans coming from the bedroom, the moans sounded like Streber, so he was in after all!

But then, why was he whimpering? Was he injured? Sick? Kevin made his way to the bedroom to check on him, Kevin opened the door to the bedroom, hoping that Streber was okay.

"Hey, Strebs? Is everything okay in he-", Kevin was immediately cut off when he saw what Streber was up to, he definitely wasn't sick or injured, so that was good...

What WAS surprising was seeing Streber masturbating using a fleshlight, whilst only wearing a red hoodie...

"Oh shit! Kevin, I'm so sorry! I didn't think you'd be home this early!", Streber said in a panic, trying to cover himself up, "no no! It's my fault Strebs! I should've knocked first!", Kevin responded, trying to reassure him, whilst noticbley not trying to look away.

It was an...unexpected sight, to say the least, sure, Streber had some kinks here and there, but despite that, Kevin just couldn't imagine Streber masturbating, let alone him using a sex toy...But he'd be lying if he said it wasn't at least a little hot...the sight of his boyfriend's dick inside a fleshlight, trying desperately hard to get off was...oddly arousing...

Plus, it'd be hypocritical of him to get mad at Streber for masturbating, when he himself masturbates almost daily...

"You're uh...n-not weirded out...are you?", Streber asked nervously, Kevin laughed a bit in response, "course not! I'm not gonna get mad at you for doing a completely normal thing...", Kevin said comfortingly, before sitting down on the bed next to him...

"In can keep going~", Kevin said, with a seductive tone to his voice...

Streber looked over at Kevin, having to do a double take to make sure he wasn't dreaming...the shit Kevin said sounded STRAIGHT out of a wattpad fanfic...

"Uh...wh...what was that Kev...?", Streber asked, looking up at him, Kevin smirked, before beginning to speak again, "you heard me~ keep going~", he looked at Streber, with a seductive smile.

Streber looked down at the fleshlight, then back up at Kevin with a flustered look, "I...I don't think I can do it when you're sitting right Infront of me Ke-ah~!", Streber was cut off, by Kevin wrapping his hand around the fleshlight, Kevin had an almost devilish grin on his face as he spoke, "okay then~ I'll do it for you then~".

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