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(this'll contain marijuana, drug consumption, Streber and Kevin smoking some of that ZAZA, smoking, intercultural sex, thigh-fucking, accidental anal and anal sex)

"You sure you wanna try this dude?", Kevin asked, getting the bong prepared, "oh, I'm sure!", Streber responded, opening up the window, for a little context, Kevin had multiple ways of reliving stress, and one of those ways, was smoking, and the second Streber found out, he immediately wanted to try...

"I'm just saying, you've never smoked weed before...or smoked in general", Kevin said, sitting down on the bed, once the bong was fully prepared, "I know, but I get stressed too! And I need something to take the edge off...", Streber answered, that was true, Streber was so amazing at comforting Kevin whenever he was stressed, that Kevin often forgot that Streber could get stressed too...

"Pleeeeeaase?", Streber begged, giving Kevin his best puppy dog eyes, those eyes were basically Kevin's weakness, and Streber loved using them against him, "heh, you can be so persistent sometimes", Kevin responded, chuckling quietly to himself, "so is that a yes?", Streber asked, cocking an eyebrow at Kevin, "knock yourself out", Kevin answered, handing the bong to Streber...

Streber happily took the bong from Kevin's hands, and held it to his mouth, before taking a hit, and blowing smoke out of his mouth...

Before immediately going into a coughing fit...

"I warned you...", Kevin said, smirking triumphantly at Streber, "i-i know, but I didn't think it'd be that strong!", Streber responded, still coughing violently, whilst trying to get used to the new experience, "it's fine, I was like that my first time too, you'll get used to it...", Kevin commented, trying to reassure Streber...

"You want me to take that for a while?", Kevin asked, "sure thing, here...", Streber answered, giving Kevin the bong, as he came down from his coughing fit, Kevin took the bong from Streber, before taking a drag of it, and blowing smoke out of his mouth, Kevin had smoked from a bong multiple times, so it took a little longer for him to get fully high...

This went on for some time, the two men taking it in turns taking hits from the bong, they kept going, until they were completely stoned out of their minds, with their eyes looking red, and the whole room smelling of weed, the only reason that the bedroom wasn't filled with smoke, was because Streber had opened a window...

"Woah...holy shit Kev...", Streber groaned, as he felt the marijuana taking effect, his eyes bloodshot, and filled with tears, making him look as if he had been crying, "now do you see why I take this stuff?", Kevin giggled, just as stoned as Streber was right now, "oh, absolutely...", Streber responded, giggling himself...

Kevin took the bong from Streber, before taking another drag of it, Streber smiled lovingly, as he watched Kevin blow smoke out of his mouth, in some weird way, Kevin actually looked...kinda hot when he was high, "Everything okay dude? Is the weed getting to you~?", Kevin asked, once he noticed Streber staring at him, "something like that, maybe it's just the weed talking here, but you're so pretty~", Streber cooed, resting his head on Kevin's lap, Kevin chuckled, gently petting Streber's head...

"Ahh~ your thighs are so soft~!", Streber said happily, squishing Kevin's thighs, admittedly, Kevin's thighs were pretty skinny, and he didn't have alot of meat there, but somehow, his thighs were so unbelievably soft, if Streber had the choice to rest his head on Kevin's lap, he'd take that choice in a heartbeat...

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