NSFW alphabet

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A=aftercare (what they're like after sex)

Their aftercare typically consists of them cleaning up and making something to eat (although if they're too exhausted they'll order takeout) afterwards they'll cuddle and shower eachother with love and praise

B=body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)

🦇-Streber loves Kevin's hair, he's obsessed with how fluffy it is, as for her own body part they love their fangs, perfect for biting
🍬-Kevin's favourite part of Streber is their face, Kevin loves squishing his cheeks, Kevin's favourite part of his own body is his eyes, he's not sure why, they just likes them

C=cum (anything to do with cum basically)

🦇-Streber loves cumming inside Kevin, Kevin typically doesn't mind, as long as Streber wears a condom, but he usually takes birth control anyways, just in case
🍬-Kevin doesn't care where cum goes, but he loves it when Streber cums on his face, back, or stomach
(He freaky like that)

D=dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

🦇-Streber often thinks about facefucking Kevin, mainly because Kevin offhandedly mentioned that he doesn't have a gag reflex, and the idea worms into her brain occasionally
🍬-Kevin really wants to fuck Streber with a strap-on, but is scared of hurting him

E=experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing)

🦇-Streber has slept with people before meeting Kevin, but they were mostly just random hook-ups and one night stands, Kevin is their first serious relationship
🍬-Kevin has never had sex or been in a relationship before Streber, their only experience with sex was masturbation

F=favourite position (this goes without saying, will probably include a visual)

It depends on whose domming, if Kevin's domming then cowgirl style and face-sitting, if Streber's domming then missionary and reverse cowgirl, but they're fine with other positions, as long as their comfortable

G=goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humourous, etc)

🦇-Streber tends to crack jokes during sex, but mostly just at the start
🍬-Kevin's a bit more serious during sex, but they've been known to make the occasional joke too

H=hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)

🦇-Streber is extremely clean shaven down there, to keep up with the 'sexy vampire' aesthetic
🍬-Kevin is mostly shaven too, apart from a little black bush, Streber finds it hot

I=intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)

They're both extremely loving during sex, praising each other and showering each other with love, they could be having the most dirtiest sex imaginable and they could still somehow manage to make it romantic

J=jack off (masturbation headcanon)

🦇-Streber would never admit this to Kevin but he often masturbates to pictures of them, even using a fleshlight and pretending it's Kevin's pussy in a couple of cases
🍬-Kevin has a very high sex drive so he often gets off using his own hand, that or he uses a dildo and pretends it's Streber's dick

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