if I could tell him🧸/💓

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(this'll contain, blood, mentions of injuries, minor mentions of masturbation, implied self-harm, and some minor angst, this takes place during deadly smiles btw, and Streber and Kevin aren't dating yet)

Streber knew what to expect whenever he walked into the candy store...

Everytime he walked into the store, Kevin would be there, looking tired and bored, but he'd immediately perk up when Streber walked in, Streber would talk to him for hours, just to make him feel better...

That's how it always went...

So it was surprising to see Kevin sitting on the floor, with blood flowing out of his ankle...

"Shit! Kevin, are you okay!?", Streber asked, as he rushed to Kevin's side, checking his wound, Kevin groaned in response, "yeah, I'm fine, just...ugh...", He said, clutching his ankle, wincing in pain.

Streber nervously looked at Kevin, "Kev, who...what happened?", he asked, placing his hand on his knee, sure, Kevin could be a grump, but he never imagined that someone would wanna hurt Kevin, and he needed to know who hurt him...

"Uhhh...a doll stabbed me in the leg...", Kevin responded, rubbing the back of his neck...


Okay...so not only had Kevin been stabbed, he was also going delirious from blood loss...

"Okay, is there a first aid kit anywhere?", Streber asked, looking around the room, "uhh, yeah, there's one in the breakroom, but it's staff only...", Kevin responded, leaning against the wall, still looking at his injured ankle.

Streber sighed, "you're bleeding real bad Kev, can you make an exception just this once?", He asked, looking at him, his face filled with concern, Kevin groaned, he didn't want to go against store policy...but he was bleeding pretty heavily, and, believe him, he tried getting it himself, but the pain was just...a little too much...

"Fine, but just this once...", Kevin responded, groaning...

Streber left the room, and came back a few minutes later holding the first aid kit, he kneeled down next to Kevin, getting everything ready, "okay...this may hurt a little...", He said, getting some disinfectant spray out.

Streber sprayed some of the disinfectant onto the wound, and...yeah, he was right...it hurt like hell, "ngh!", Kevin winced in pain at the sudden stinging sensation, "dammit...that stings...", Kevin groaned, "I know...but it'll only take a second, just relax...", Streber responded, trying to comfort Kevin.

Once the disinfectant was fully applied to the wound, Streber took some cotton balls, and began dabbing them on the wound, cleaning up the blood, "it's okay, you're okay...", He said, placing the other hand on Kevin's shoulder, Streber's words were...somewhat comforting, so Kevin tried his best to relax, despite the unbearable pain.

Eventually, once the blood surrounding the wound was gone, Streber grabbed a bandage, before placing it on Kevin's wound, "okay...it's not much, but it'll help until you can get to the hospital...", Streber said, helping Kevin to his feet.

"Thanks Strebs", Kevin said, as he lowered his foot down onto the floor, wincing in pain when his foot made contact with the floor, but the pain thankfully wasn't unbearable, all he had to do was just not put weight on it for a while, and he should be fine...

"Ugh...this'll probably need surgery...", Kevin said, looking down at his ankle, he obviously knew that a tiny plaster wouldn't help with a stab wound that would probably need stitches, but he appreciated Streber's help, "oh! Well there's a walk-in clinic down the street, I could take you there if you want!", Streber responded.

"Uhh...you don't have to, I can get there myself", Kevin responded, he was pretty sure Streber didn't come here with the intention of taking him to a walk-in clinic, and he didn't want to be an inconvenience to him, Streber shook his head in response, "it's okay Kev, I don't mind helping you out".

Kevin sighed, Streber had a point, walking to the clinic would be difficult with a wound like that, possible, but difficult, as much as Kevin wanted to handle this himself, he knew he couldn't, "okay...fine...", He said in defeat, as Streber helped him out of the candy store...


"Okay, we're here!", Streber said happily, as him and Kevin arrived at the walk-in clinic, "thanks for the help Strebs, I appreciate it", Kevin said with a smile.

"Oh, and uh...sorry about not giving you your usual...", Kevin said in embarrassment, Streber came into the candy club often, so Kevin could remember his usual order by heart, strawberry flavoured lollipops, and jelly filled skulls.

"Don't worry about that Kev! I can just order it from the website", Streber responded reassuringly, Kevin smiled at Streber, his job was an absolute nightmare, and Streber was the only person who made it somewhat bearable...


Kevin just...wished he could tell Streber how he felt, "Hey uhh...Strebs? Can i tell you something...?", Kevin asked nervously, Streber tilted his head, "yeah? What's up?", He asked, smiling...


"N-nevermind, it's not important...", Kevin finally answered, great...he chickened out again, it shouldn't be that hard to confess your feelings to someone you had feelings for!


But the fear of having his feelings rejected outweighed desire to confess his romantic feelings for Streber...

"Oh...okay...", Streber answered, slightly confused, but he quickly got over his confusion, as he waved Kevin goodbye, as Kevin wandered into the clinic...

Kevin wanted to tell Streber how he felt, every part of his brain was practically screaming at him to turn around, and kiss Streber on his plump lips, and tell him how he felt, but he couldn't...Streber meant so much to Kevin, and all the stuff he wanted to say to him couldn't express that enough.

Kevin didn't want to sound like a simp or anything...but Streber was practically an angel, he was perfect in every way, from his soft smile, to his somewhat chubby body, every aspect of Streber was perfect, even his flaws were amazing...

But Kevin? He was just...Kevin...the same guy who almost broke his ribcage cause he decided to wear his chest binder for a week, the same guy who was so touch starved that it was almost embarrassing, the same guy who masturbated multiple times a week, either to relieve stress, or because he was so desperate for physical affection, the same guy who's arms and legs were covered in cuts, some that were scabbed over, and some that were fresh and recent...

Streber perfect in every way, and Kevin was just...Kevin... Streber deserved better that Kevin, Kevin didn't deserve someone as perfect Streber...

Was it kinda pathetic? yes...but Kevin didn't care, he didn't care about a lot of things, really, he almost died so many times that giving a shit just seems pointless.

But he cared about Streber, he gave a shit about Streber...

And he loved Streber...more than anything...

(Lmao, sorry if this shit got sad lmao)

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