stress relief🔥/🚫

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(this will contain cunnillingus and blowjobs, also they're both really good with their mouths)

Kevin entered his apartment that he shared with Streber, the vampire was sitting on the couch, drinking some coffee, and watching TV, Kevin slumped himself down next to Streber, making an audible "oof" sound as he sat down, Streber smiled, saying "hello" to Kevin, Kevin simply smiled and gave a tired "hi", in response.

Streber put his coffee down onto the table and snuggled up to the taller male, "tough day at work, Kev?", He asked, Kevin wrapped an arm around the shorter male, "when don't I have a tough day at work?", Kevin said before groaning, without really thinking, Streber placed Kevin's head on his lap and gently stroked his hair, if Kevin could stay like this instead of going to work, then they would be able to die happy.

"You wanna talk about it?", Streber asked, running his fingers through Kevin's ebony locks, Kevin sighed, "no, I'd probably end up breaking down in tears", he joked, Streber looked at Kevin with sympathy, he hated seeing Kevin upset, how could they make him feel better?

That's when Streber had the perfect idea...

"Y'know", Streber started, "I you relieve some stress...", It took Kevin a few seconds to understand what Streber meant, but when he did his face went a shade of red, Streber immediately regretted what he just said and tried to backtrack, his own face going red.

"I-i mean! O-only if you want to! I'd never try to force you into doing something you're uncomfortable with", Streber stuttered out, Kevin looked up at Streber and thought about his request, it would relive some stress, and they hadn't had sex in nearly 5 months.

"Sure, if it'll help", Kevin responded, giving Streber a warm smile as he got up from his lap, Streber had a giddy smile on his face that melted Kevin's heart, "really?", He asked, "you're not just saying 'yes' because I've asked?", Kevin sighed, "nope, I really do want to do it with you", he answered softly.

"Well in that case...", Streber said, before picking up Kevin bridal style, making Kevin blush in suprise, "i- I'm literally taller than you! How are you able to pick me up!?", Kevin asked confused, Streber smirked, "determination, I guess", he answered, carrying Kevin to their bedroom.

Streber carried Kevin over to the bed and gently sat him down onto the mattress, once Kevin got comfortable Streber cupped Kevin's face with his hands and gently pulled him into a kiss, Kevin almost immediately leans into the passionate kiss, it wasn't a sexual kiss, but rather a soft and loving one.

After a while, Streber pulled away and started kissing Kevin's cheek, then trailing down to his neck, and then his chest, then his stomach, before finally coming down to his clothed crotch.

Streber grabbed the rim of Kevin's pants, before looking up at him, silently asking for consent, Kevin nods, giving Streber the 'go ahead' to continue.

Streber smiled, before pulling down Kevin's pants and undergarments, exposing his privates, "wow Kev... you're practically soaked right now~", Streber whispered, using his thumbs to spread his Kevin's lips apart, "mmh~", Kevin whimpered quietly.

"Wow... I'm barely touching you Kev...and you're already shaking~, you're really sensitive today~", Streber teased, "it's-it's just- mmh~! I haven't masturbated in a whi-AH~!", Kevin was cut off by Streber kissing his clit, which was elongated due to his use of testosterone, Kevin almost came right then and there, but he held it in, not wanting this to end too early.

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