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(no trigger warnings for this one, Kevin just humps a pillow whilst fantasizing about Streber, also this is before him and Streber start dating)

"Ugh..." Kevin groaned to himself as he entered his apartment, he had another stressful day at work, Skid and Pump came in talking about 'spooky month' (even though it was march), he had to deal with rude customers, and the hatzgang tried to steal some candy, needless to say, Kevin was happy to be home.

Kevin immediately went into his bedroom, he quickly took of his work uniform and slipped into a pink t-shirt and grey sweatpants, once he had sat down on his bed, he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

Kevin's mind eventually began to wander, as he started thinking about his job, sure, the hours were long, the customers were hard to deal with, his boss was an asshole, he almost got killed every other week, and he had multiple panic attacks in the men's restroom, but there were some good things about his job, his pay was alright, his co-worker Rick may be pretty bleak, but he wasn't too bad.


And then there was Streber...

Streber was a regular customer at the candy club, and initially Kevin didn't think much of them, until Streber noticed him crying and asked him if he was okay, after that him and Streber became pretty close friends...

But... Lately Kevin started to feel... Something else...

He'd get a warm feeling in his stomach whenever Streber walked into the store, his face would go red everytime Streber looked at him, and he always felt a crushing feeling in his chest, Kevin just couldn't deny it anymore...

He was in love with him...

Kevin didn't really blame himself for liking Streber, Streber was kind, goofy, not to mention he had a great body, Streber often wore really tight clothes that showed off their body, Kevin was a little embarrassed to admit this but every once in a while he would glance at Streber's ass, god... The things he wanted that cute little vampire to do to him.

Suddenly, Kevin felt his boxers getting wet, and his sweatpants became a little tighter...

"Fuck! No! No! No! No! Crap!" Kevin whispered under his breath, his clit practically throbbed, begging for attention.

No! Kevin couldn't! True, Streber was his best friend, and he had liked him for ages, but he wasn't about to masturbate whilst thinking about him, that'd just be creepy.


But... At the same time... It wasn't like Streber was around to catch him...

Kevin looked around, making extra sure no-one was in there with him, after reassuring himself that he was alone, he reached his hand into his boxers and hesitated before he began to touch himself.

"Mmh~" Kevin groaned to himself, gently rubbing his clit in a circular motion as he quietly whispered to himself, "ah~ St-Streber!~ right there!~ I'm your g-good little- mmh!- toy~".

Every once in a while Kevin would moan Streber's name and beg for him to perform an explicit act on him, as if Streber was in the room with him, in fact, part of Kevin actually wanted Streber to walk in on him, and he wanted Streber to punish him for such a dirty slut.

But no matter what Kevin did, he just couldn't reach the right level of pleasure, his fingers just weren't doing anything for him, that's when he remembered his pillow.

"Maybe that could work", Kevin whimpered to himself, Kevin stopped touching himself and removed his sweatpants and boxers, exposing his pussy.

Kevin took testosterone, so he had a T-dick that sat between two plump, hairy lips, Kevin grabbed the pillow and placed it between his legs, gently straddling it.

Once he got used to the feeling of the pillow against his pussy he gently began to hump the pillow, causing more moans and whimpers to escape his mouth, as the pillow got covered in his love juices.

"AH~ oh god!" Kevin moaned, his T-dick was incredibly sensitive, that just made it better, "H-HARDER STREBER, PLEASE! I-I AH! DESERVE IT~!", God... Kevin wanted Streber so bad, it was almost embarrassing, he wanted Streber to use him as his personal cum dumpster, he wanted Streber to fuck him to the point of overstimulation, he wanted Streber to call him a 'good boy' as he pounded into his virgin cunt.

"Oh god I'm- I'm cumming!" Kevin yelled as he placed his whole body on the pillow and started to hump it from that angle, "oh~ p-please let me c-cum Streber! I-i'll be a good boy~!", Kevin said, staining the pillow with arousal.

Kevin gave a few more humps before he orgasmed, arching his back and screaming, as a wave of ecstasy washed over him, Kevin panted heavily and gently rubbed his clit in order to ride out his orgasm, and get any remaining arousal out.

"Hah~ hah~ that was... Amazing...", Kevin managed to breathe out, "I... Really needed that~".

Kevin gently un-straddled the pillow, being extra careful to avoid his overstimulated cunt, the sight of Kevin's cum-stained pillow immediately snapped Kevin out of his post-orgasm trance.

"Oh..." Kevin said to himself, "I... really needed that".

"Well, better get this cleaned up".

Kevin threw the pillow into his washing machine and switched it on, before being intrupped by the sound of someone knocking on his apartment door, "coming!" Kevin yelled out, as if he didn't just do that 3 minutes ago.

Kevin opened his door, only to be met by Radford, one of his friends, "heya kev!" Radford said in a neutral tone, "oh uh... Hi Radford, what's up?" Kevin responded, trying to sound like he didn't just pretend his pillow was Streber.

"Uh well... I just came by to remind you that you have thin walls" Kevin was obviously confused, "uh...okay? And?"

Kevin wasn't prepared for what Radford said next...

"Look dude, I don't care if you masturbate...just keep it down next time, I'm trying to sleep"

Kevin sort of just stood there, blinking for a few seconds.

"Y-you mean... You heard all that?" Kevin stuttered out, Radford sighed in response, "yes, I heard all that"

Kevin stood there in horror, his friend had just heard him live out his sexual fantasy, Radford eventually spoke up, "don't worry man, I won't tell Streber... Just be quiet".

Kevin closed the door on Radford, great... Now Radford knew that Kevin wanted Streber to fuck the shit out of him...

But he did have fun humping his pillow, maybe he could do it again sometime...

Just as long as he kept it down

(Author's note: first time writing smut! Also can we have a moment of silence for Kevin's pillow?)

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