you're transgener?🏳️‍⚧️dat's so cool!😢/♥️

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(⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ mentions of transphobia, bullying, dysphoria and suicidal thoughts, this is also a period fic soooo... periods I guess?)

Kevin slowly opened his eyes, before immediately covering them as the sun shone brightly through his window, he sat up in his bed and stretched, causing a loud groan to escape his mouth.

Suddenly, Kevin felt a sharp pain in his stomach, almost as if he had been stabbed, Kevin clutched his stomach and groaned in pain, trying to work out what the source of the pain was, was he sick? Did he eat something that his stomach didn't agree with?

These thoughts circled around his head until he realized what exactly it was, to which he just let out an annoyed sigh, before going opening a drawer, pulling out a clean pair of boxers and heading to the bathroom.

Kevin pulled down his boxers, only to be met with a red stain, yep, just as he'd thought, he quickly kicked off his blood-stained underwear and placed a pad inside the clean pair of underwear before putting them on.

He threw the blood-stained underwear into the washing machine, as well as anything that needed washing that day, the pain in Kevin's stomach was getting unbearable, so he quickly grabbed a hot water bottle and threw himself onto the couch, he was lucky he didn't have work that day.

Kevin hated being on his period, in fact he didn't know anyone who actually liked being on their period, but it wasn't like he could vent to anyone, no one knew he was trans, not even Streber knew, and in all honesty, he planned to keep it that way.

It wasn't that Kevin didn't want to tell Streber, but all the times he did tell people he was trans he was just met with purposeful misgendering, or really uncomfortable questions, or both in some cases.

It wasn't just that, but also the fear that Streber would stop seeing him as a guy, although, no matter what Kevin did he didn't even see himself as a guy, his dysphoria often got so bad that he often considered de-transtioning, or worse, even suicide.

So he was perfectly fine with not telling Streber...

"Hiya Kev!", Streber said as he swung open his apartment door, causing Kevin to yelp in suprise, "wha- Streber!? How'd you get in my apartment", Kevin asked, trying not to upset his stomach.

Streber simply smiled and held up a key, "you gave me a copy of your apartment key, remember?", Kevin simply sighed, the sight of his boyfriend seemed to make him feel a little better.

Streber eventually noticed Kevin clutching the hot water bottle, "hey Kev? why are you holding a hot water bottle?", Kevin's heart sank the second Streber asked that, what was he supposed to say? That there was blood flowing out of him? He couldn't, what if Streber asked to many questions? What he was disgusted?

What if he stopped loving him?

"I-i just have a tummy ache, that's all Strebs", Streber sat down on the couch next to Kevin, "Kev, you know I can tell when you're not telling the truth, right?", He said, raising an eyebrow, Kevin always had this habit of looking away from Streber whenever he lied, so there was no way he could lie to him.

Streber's smile eventually faded, and turned into a look of concern, "Kev, you know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?, He said, placing a hand on his knee, comforting him.

Kevin went into panic mode, his breathing became heavier, his heart was practically beating out of his chest, he couldn't just not say anything, he was terrified of what Streber would say or do in response... But maybe it would be better to say it now then keep it in...

Kevin took a deep breath, "I'm- I'm on my period", he managed to stutter out, Streber simply giggled in response, "nice one Kev, now come on, what's the real reason?".

Kevin sighed, "that IS the real reason Strebs", Streber tilted his head like a confused puppy, "c'mon Kev, boys can't have periods, the only way a boy can have their period is if there...", Streber's voiced trailed off, had he finally worked it out?

"Kevin...are you-", Kevin immediately cut Streber off, "yeah...I'm...I'm Trans", Kevin felt so scared, but at the same time, they also felt relieved to get that off his chest, he looked at Streber's face, Streber didn't have a look of disgust, but instead, a look of suprise.

"You're... you're not upset with me? Are you?", Streber froze when he heard Kevin ask that, "what!? No! Of course not! I'm just wondering why you never told me".

Tears started to well up in Kevin's eyes, "it's just...You're the first person to see me as a guy...a cis guy I mean", warm tears eventually started to stream down his face, as he practically started crying, "a-and I was s-scared you'd stop l-loving me", Streber's heart shattered into a million pieces when he heard Kevin say that.

"What!? No! No no no no! Kevin, I'd never stop loving you!", Streber gently cupped Kevin's face in his hands, "you're the most masculine guy I've ever met! And even if you weren't masculine, I'd still see you as a guy! It doesn't matter what a 21-year old birth certificate says!".

"Let me ask you something Kev, are you happy as a guy?", Kevin raised an eyebrow at Streber, "well...yeah, I was miserable as a girl", Streber smiled softly at him, "see? If you're happier as a guy then I shouldn't be getting upset with you, that would be stupid", Kevin started crying again, but not out of sadness, but out of joy.

Kevin quickly wrapped Streber up in his arms, Streber was a little surprised but did hug Kevin back, "no-one's ever said that to me Strebs", the candy man sniffled out, "are you...okay with me being trans?".

Streber patted him on the shoulder, "of course I am Kev...I would never stop loving for any reason", Streber gently kissed Kevin on his cheek, to which Kevin smiled.

"Oh yeah! Can we order a pizza?" After some silence, Kevin laughed, "aaaaand, you ruined it!" Kevin joked, "you didn't say no though", Streber responded, ruffling his black hair.

Kevin gently pulled Streber into his lap, making Streber blush, "maybe later, my stomach still hurts like hell", he said, Streber smiled and hugged Kevin back.

Kevin was so lucky to have someone who didn't care who he used to be, or what was between his legs.

He had someone who loved him for him.


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