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(this'll contain, nudes, sexting, masturbation, dom/sub elements, degradation kink, praise kink, edging, rough sex, anal sex, pegging, sex toys, strap-ons, and handjobs, also sorry if this is OOC)

Streber sighed to himself as he walked into his and Kevin's shared apartment, carrying a bunch of groceries, now, obviously he knew that he shouldn't be doing the grocery shopping with only one arm, but Kevin was at work all day and someone had to do it, plus it got him out the house for a few hours...

Streber placed the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter, before stretching his limbs and flopping down onto the couch, of course Streber had a job, but ever since..."the incident", as he called it, he decided to wait until he could get a prosthetic, since, well...trying to do literal engineering was pretty difficult with ONE ARM...

Engineers design and build complex products, machines, systems, or structures, solve problems by using science, maths and technology to figure out the best way to create new things or to improve a product...

And you kinda needed BOTH arms to do that correctly...

That left Streber alone most days, yes, it did make him feel useless alot of the time, sitting in the apartment alone, but he didn't mind, as he often would just do small, menial tasks, like cleaning or grocery shopping, and wait until Kevin came back from work...

Speaking of Kevin, Streber got out his phoneto send Kevin a quick text...

How's work bby?

Shit, like usual...

Damn, I'm sorry abt that🙁

You're so lucky to not have werk😭

LMAO, sucks to suck✌️

Maybe I should lose a limb or something🤔
Haha, jk

Streber chuckled to himself as he read that last text, thinking about all the different things they could do together when Kevin got home from work, they could just cuddle, watch a movie...maybe they could make out, or do something more...obscene...

Sex...they could have sex...

Streber felt his face heat up as he fantasized about all the things he could do to Kevin once they got home, god, he could practically hear Kevin's gorgeous moans and whines, he wanted to pin him to the mattress, make them beg for his cock, and absolutely fuck his brains out...

Or, he could just take it slow and praise Kevin, he wanted to kiss his body all over and tell him how beautiful he was, he loved everything about Kevin, from his fluffy, black hair, to his dark skin, all the way to the little stretch marks that decorated his body...


That's when he got an idea...

A terrible idea, but an idea non the less...

Streber unzipped his jeans, and pulled them off, until the only thing on his bottom half were some green boxers, that were covered in small bats, his boxers had a very noticeable bulge, that was practically throbbing with arousal, Streber grabbed the waistband of his boxers, before pulling them off slightly, just enough for his cock to spring out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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