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(time for some hurt/comfort! ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ this fic contains: hospitals, mentions of blood and gore, and dismemberment, this takes place after tender treats BTW)

" he okay...?", Kevin stood in the hallway of the hospital, speaking to a nurse, there was a pit in his stomach, and he felt as if he was gonna vomit, as he prepared himself for the worst...

He was prepared for the nurse to tell him that Streber didn't make it, that he had lost too much blood, that he had died before Kevin could confess his feelings to him...

After a few agonizing seconds of silence, the nurse finally spoke...

"well, your friend is very lucky to be alive right now...".

It felt like a weight had been lifted off of Kevin's shoulders, all the fear and anxiety he felt a few seconds ago disappeared, whilst he wanted to cry out of despair and sadness, now...he wanted to cry tears of joy...

"So...he's okay?", Kevin asked, a smile forming on his face, the nurse adjusted the glasses on her face, "well, aside from the loss of his arm, and a minor concussion, yes, he's okay", the nurse responded.

"C...can I see him?", His friend was injured, he had to see him immediately, the nurse nodded, opening the door to Streber's hospital room.

Kevin looked over Streber's sleeping body, he looked he was never attacked, but the stump where his arm used to be proved that he was brutalized, Kevin looked down in guilt, why wasn't he there...? Maybe if he was there when it happened...he could've prevented it...

Eventually, much to Kevin's joy, Streber's eyes slowly opened, he looked around at the unfamiliar environment of the hospital room, before he noticed Kevin looking down at him.

"Ke...Kevin...?", Streber said, weakly, Kevin just wanted to hug Streber, to hold him, to tell him that everything was going to be okay, and that he was here for him, but he was still pretty weak right now...

"Easy, easy...", Kevin said softly, as he helped Streber lift himself up from the pillow, Streber looked around the hospital room, getting a feel of his surroundings, "wha...what happened?", He said in a soft tone.

Kevin looked off to the side, the doctor said that Streber would suffer from temporary memory loss, but that didn't make things better, how was he supposed to explain this? How was he supposed to explain to Streber that he almost died?

Streber looked down at his arm, or rather...the place where his arm used to be, his eyes widened in horror when he saw his stump, that's when all his memories started flooding back, the knife, the blood, the pain...he remembered it all...

Streber's reaction was unexpected, Kevin had expected Streber to start crying and screaming, Streber was definitely crying, judging by the tears rolling down his face, but he wasn't screaming, almost as if he was trying to process this, but regardless, he needed comfort...

He needed Kevin...

Kevin saw the warm tears leaking from Streber's eyes, and his normally cheerful expression twisted into a frown, "hey, hey, don't worry, I'm here...", Kevin responded, pulling Streber into a hug, letting Streber get his shoulder wet with his tears...

Streber looked around the room, there were get well soon cards, and balloons also saying "get well soon", that did cheer him up a bit, knowing his friends cared about him, " are you feeling...?", Kevin asked, pulling away from him, Streber looked down, "well...asides from my arm being gone, I'm feeling fine...", Kevin sighed, as much as he wanted to take the situation seriously, it was nice to see Streber TRYING to be positive...

After a few hours, Kevin was told to "let Streber get some rest" by the nurse, as much as Kevin didn't want to leave Streber, he did as he was told, he decided to text Streber when he got home...

Once Kevin arrived at his apartment, he grabbed his phone to text Streber...

You doing okay?

Not really, byt I will be

Sorry if I made you worried ):

Kevin looked at the text message, was Streber seriously blaming himself for something he couldn't control?

Kevin wasn't your fault...pls don't blame yourself...

What had that monster done to Streber? Turning a once happy and cheerful man into a shell of his former self...

Thumks (:

*Thanks's kinda hard to text with one arm...

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at that last message, he may not have been able to stop that from happening to Streber, or get his arm back...

But it didn't matter what happened next...

He would be there for him...

(No beta, we die like Dexter Erotoph)

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