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(time for more smut! ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ for biting, bloodplay, rough sex, implied masochism, and some of my headcanons)

"This movie is so bad dude", Kevin laughed, sitting under a blanket with Streber.

Streber giggled a little, "well, you just don't know what peak cinema is!", He responded, Kevin snickered, "c'mon Strebs, Edward is literally resisting the urge to KILL Bella, and he thinks his skin glistening in the sunlight is a red flag, and plus, Edward's not even that attractive".

Streber made an overdramatic gasp, "you take that back", he said jokingly, Kevin smirked at him, "or what?", He said in a smug tone, Streber smiled, and proceeded to tackle Kevin to the couch, pinning him down "alright candy boy, you asked for it~", he said with a grin.

Streber started to quickly kiss the taller man all over his neck, "pffft, STREBS THAT TICKLES!" Kevin said laughing, Streber kept kissing Kevin's neck, showing no mercy, after a while, Streber took notice of Kevin's skin.

Kevin had incredibly soft skin, he always used a shit ton of skincare products, not that Streber didn't use skincare products himself, it was just that Kevin used them ALOT, but Streber didn't mind, he loved how soft and squishy Kevin's skin was...

In was so soft...that Streber wanted to...


"OW! FUCK!".

Kevin pushed the shorter male off of him, not too rough, but just enough force to get Streber off of him, Streber looked at Kevin, trying to work out why Kevin screamed...

...that was until he saw a bite mark on his shoulder, with fresh blood dripping from it.

"Oh shit! Kev!", Streber said, quickly pausing the movie and getting up to check Kevin's neck, "oh god! I'm so sorry Kevin! I forgot I left my fake fangs in!", Streber said in a panicked tone, Kevin winced in pain as he felt his neck, "it's fine Strebs, I know you didn't mean to but...god, this hurts like a bitch".

Even though Kevin wasn't mad, Streber still felt guilty as hell, and who could blame him? He just accidentally bit his boyfriend and caused him to bleed, anyone would feel guilty.

"Do that again", Kevin said, staring at Streber intensely...

Streber blinked a few times, trying to process the bullshit he just heard, "I...I'm sorry, what?", He managed to stutter out, Kevin got closer to Streber's face, making him look at him, before repeating himself, "Do. That. Again".

Streber blushed, was Kevin into this? Streber hesitantly sat on Kevin's lap to make it easier for himself, he kissed Kevin's bite mark, before gently biting down on that spot again, causing Kevin to whimper quietly, oh yeah...he was definitely into this.

Streber gained more confidence in Kevin's little 'idea', he went over to Kevin's other shoulder and bit down on it, this time a lot harder than the first shoulder, "ah~! Fuck Strebs~ p-please don't stop~", Kevin moaned.

Streber giggled seductively, "looks like someone's got a kink", he teased, Kevin didn't say anything, instead just whimpering submissively, Streber looked at Kevin's shoulders, thick blood had started leaking out of the bite marks.

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