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"hello little devil fellow! Would you like to get scared?"

"Did you know, that if you eat a human brain you'll get a disease similar to mad cow?"


The man practically towered over Streber, he was dressed in a red devil costume and had a wide grin stretched across his face, the man didn't say anything, instead he just stared at Streber, drooling.

Streber eventually broke the awkward silence, "uh...okay sir just walk through that-huh?" Streber was immediately cut off by the taller man grabbing his forearm, Streber tried to get out of the man's grip, but the more they struggled the tighter the man's grip got.

...until the man pulled out a knife

"W-wait, what're you-"

The man proceeded to raise the knife above their head, and...



Streber immediately woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily, this was the third nightmare this week.

Streber didn't really like to talk about his PTSD diagnosis with Kevin, he was already stressed out from his job, Streber didn't want to make him more stressed.

Streber started quietly sobbing to herself, they didn't want to feel scared everytime they left the house, they didn't want to almost attack someone because they snuck up on him, they didn't want to have nightmares everytime they went to sleep, he just wanted it all to stop.

He just wanted to forget...


"Streber? Are you okay?"

Streber turned around to face Kevin, tears still streaming down his face, "oh! Hey Kev! Sorry, if I woke you up" Streber responded, wiping his tears away, Kevin's concerned look turned to a look of realization, and then a look of sympathy, "you had another nightmare, didn't you?".

Streber didn't respond, but he didn't need to, Kevin already knew the answer, more tears started to stream down their face.

"Hey! Hey hey hey! Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay", Kevin extended his arms out before hesitating, "is... Is it okay if I...?", Streber responded with a nod, giving Kevin the go ahead.

Kevin pulled Streber into a tight embrace, at the point Streber's quiet sobs turned into loud wails, Kevin stroked the back of his boyfriend's head, "it's okay baby bat, he won't hurt you again", Streber looked up at Kevin, "you promise?" "I promise... I'd kill him before I let that happen" Kevin responded, wiping a tear from Streber's eye.

"Hey Kev?" "Yeah Strebs?" Streber used his remaining arm to grab Kevin's cheek and he pulled him into a kiss, once Kevin got over the initial shock, he kissed Streber back, Streber eventually pulled away from Kevin's lips, "I love you" Streber said with a smile, Kevin, his face a shade of red, smiled and responded with an "I love you too".

Streber leaned back into the hug, he was so lucky to have Kevin, sure, Kevin couldn't reverse what happened to Streber...

But it made the pain a little more bearable.

(Author's note: sorry if I made Streber look like an UwU softie, he just going through some shit, also sorry if the grammar's a bit weird)

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