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(no real trigger warnings for this one...pls let me know if there are any trigger warnings I should include...)

"okay...mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients in a stand mixer...sounds easy enough!", Streber said to himself, as he read the instructions...

Streber was...never good at cooking, even before the loss of his arm, cooking would just result in him either burning something, or accidentally cutting his finger, so needless to say, he wasn't really allowed in the kitchen...

But...Kevin had been feeling stressed lately, and Streber wanted to do something nice for him, and he figured that the perfect way to do that, would be to bake a cake!

It was a little difficult, due to only having one arm, but he was getting used to the prosthetic arm, and so far, he hadn't burnt anything, and he hadn't injured himself, so he was probably doing a good job...

Soon enough, Streber heard the apartment door unlocking, as Kevin walked into the apartment, looking tired as ever, "I'm home...", Kevin said, "heya cutie!", Streber said cheerfully, as he smiled warmly at Kevin.

Kevin was about to go to the bedroom to get changed out of his work uniform, when he noticed Streber wearing an apron, "my eyes are up here Kev", Streber said, when he noticed Kevin staring at his chest, "right! Sorry, it's just... What's with the apron?", Kevin asked, as Streber started to mix the ingredients into the stand mixer.

"Well...I've noticed that you've been feeling down lately, and I wanted to do something nice for you, so I'm baking you a cake!", Streber answered cheerfully, Kevin smiled as he walked over to the kitchen, and wrapped his arms around Streber's waist, hugging him from behind, Streber was a little suprised by the sudden hug, but happily accepted it.

"Thanks babe, but you really didn't have to do that for me", Kevin said, sounding a bit flustered, Streber smiled in response, "nonsense! You deserve it babe!", he chirped, before adjusting the setting on the cake mixer to a much lower speed, so that the cake batter wouldn't go flying everywhere.

"It's just...I don't want you to feel like you have to do stuff to cheer me up...", Kevin said, his voice sounding like a mixture between nervousness and embarrassment, Streber looked at Kevin with sympathy, "Kev...I really don't mind helping you feel better...", He said, cupping Kevin's face with his hands.

"I absolutely hate seeing you upset, it breaks my heart...and you always comfort me when I'm upset,'s only fair if I do the same for you...", Streber continued, his voice sounding comforting and soft, despite not saying it out loud, the tone of Streber's voice told Kevin that he was safe and loved, and that Streber would always be there for him...

Streber picked up the printed out instruction sheet to look at the next direction, "pour mixed contents into a cake pan and then bake for fifteen minutes", he said out loud, Streber carefully poured out the batter into the cake pan, shoved it into the oven, and set a timer on his phone for fifteen minutes, as Kevin watched on, smiling warmly at Streber...

"What flavor is that?", Kevin asked, looking at the mixing bowl, that had some leftover cake batter in it, Streber swiped some cake mix onto his finger so that Kevin could have a taste, "it's chocolate! Want some?", He said, extending his finger to Kevin, Kevin shrugged and lifted Streber's hand to his mouth, and gently suckled on Streber's finger...

" is it?", Streber asked, as Kevin removed his finger from his mouth, "hm! You're a really good cook Strebs! Y'know...when you're not trying to burn down the kitchen", Kevin joked, which just lead to Streber giving him a playful punch, "shut up!", Streber giggled.

"So...what do you wanna do until the cake's done?", Kevin asked, "hmmmm...maybe we could watch a movie?", Streber responded, placing the batter covered items into the dishwasher, "sure! What movie?", Kevin asked, "uhhh...oh! Can we watch corpse bride?", Streber answered quickly, an excited smile on his face...

"Sure! Corpse bride sounds good!", Kevin answered, as him and Streber made their way to the couch to watch the film, Streber nuzzled into Kevin's chest, the two lovers watched the film, as they waited for the cake to finish...

And in case anyone was wondering...yes, the cake tasted amazing...

" really outdid yourself Strebs!", Kevin said, if there was an equivalent to your mouth having an orgasm, this was it, "I'm glad you like it Kev!", Streber responded, getting his own slice of cake...

"Hey, thanks for doing this babe, I really appreciate it...", Kevin said, as some soft blush appeared on his face, Streber smiled, and nuzzled up to Kevin, "you're welcome hun", he said, eating some of his cake slice...

"I love you...", Kevin said, smiling warmly at his boyfriend...

"I love you too...", Streber responded, smiling back at Kevin, as the two men continued eating their respective slices, and watching the film...

They ended up having a sort of "Tim Burton movie marathon" that night...

(Just felt like writing something wholesome)

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