go home, you're sick🧸/💓

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(time for a classic sickfic)

It didn't take a genius to work out that Streber was sick.

He was sniffling constantly, his face was all red, and he just looked terrible.

"Okay, I can't watch this anymore", Ethan said, pulling Streber off to the side, "wha? Ethan? What're you doing?", Streber asked, his voice raspy from coughing so much.

"Calling you an Uber, you're clearly sick", Ethan answered, pulling out his phone and dialing the number for an uber, as much as Streber loved his job, he was feeling pretty shitty, so he didn't bother trying to argue with Ethan, part of him was kinda relieved when the Uber pulled up.

(Timeskip because I'm lazy as fuck☺️)

Streber paid and thanked the Uber driver before entering her house, he immediately went to their bedroom, removing his vampire costume, putting on some cozy pajamas, and removing his prosthetic arm, he hated looking at the stump where his arm used to be, but sleeping with his prosthetic on was really uncomfortable.

She was immediately interrupted by some loud knocking on his door, they groaned before placing his shirt over his mouth and nose, he didn't want to spread whatever sickness he had onto anyone else.

"Who is it?", Streber called out from the other side of the door, his shirt muffling his voice, he really didn't want to let anyone into his house considering how sick he was, until he heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door.

"It's just me Strebs, Ethan told me you weren't feeling well, so I decided to come over", Streber breathed a sigh of relief, it was just Kevin, he was the only person he wanted to see right now.

"Is it alright if I come in?", Kevin asked, "Yeah sure! Just let me let you in!", Streber responded, turning the door knob.

Streber opened the door, even though his mouth was covered by his shirt, Kevin could tell Streber was smiling, his smile absolutely warmed his heart, Kevin immediately pulled out a little bag of strawberry flavoured lollipops, "I got you your favourite" Kevin said with a smile.

"Thanks Kev, but I'm not really hungry right now" Streber confessed, she felt they were gonna pass out at any second, the last thing they wanted was something to eat, Kevin simply placed the bag of lollipops on the table, "it's fine, you can eat them when you're feeling better".

Kevin looked at Streber's face and sighed, "jeez, you look terrible", Streber groaned in response, "I feel terrible, but I'm probably just gonna take a nap, and hopefully I'll feel better".

Streber gently pushed past Kevin, making thier way upstairs, "oh! Uh... Do you want me to leave? I'd hate to disturb you", Kevin said, concern clouding his voice, "no, it's fine Kev, you can stay if you want, I don't mind", Streber answered, continuing to climb the stairs to his bedroom.

Streber entered his bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, her whole body felt weak as he went under the covers and felt himself drifting off to sleep

(Another timeskip)

Streber slowly opened his eyes, he wasn't feeling any better, but they didn't feel as terrible as she did before...

That when Streber realized that he could feel someone's hugging him from behind.

"Wha!? K-Kevin!?", Streber looked over at Kevin, who was currently spooning him, "oh sorry Strebs, I just felt like you needed a hug", Kevin responded, Streber's face immediately went beet red, and who could blame them? They were currently being spooned by the man he loved.

"But, Kev... I might be contagious, you could get sick too", Streber said, concerned, Kevin simply smiled lovingly at him, "eh, it's worth it, as long as I get to be closer to you, and plus, I'd do anything to not go to work Tomorrow".

Streber smiled softly at Kevin, flipping over to hug him back, "alright, but don't blame me if you catch something", the two men proceeded to lay there, embracing eachother lovingly.

Kevin did end getting sick the next day... But he got to hug his boyfriend, so it was all worth it.

(Hi! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long,
writers block (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠))

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