Chapt. 1 ~ The Dark Aura

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"Bleed the neon from the bite marks, ever bittersweet
Smile for the camera, but don't flash your teeth
Everybody loves a mystery~
Let the bodies hit the dance floor to this heartbreak beat
 feel like somebody's watching me
Feels like everybody is watching me~"

She sang while she sat on the rooftop of a random building as the night and starry sky glittered the dark night. The stars captivated her eyes with such glee and delight. On nights like this, her mind would wander in peace. 

She looked down at the rarely busy street down below and stared at the townspeople walking along. Her expression was blank when she gazed below them. It was like she had no thought at all. Whatsoever. 'It's always the same the way I see it.' She suddenly thought before looking forward to stare off into space. As if she wanted to remember something. But then again, nothing ever came to mind. "Hmm?" She suddenly hummed and looked over her shoulder. 

Nothing was there but she felt a strong feeling. A dark sensation that she hasn't felt in such a long time. But where was it directly coming from? The feeling was so strong that she had to find out. She wanted to know. Her curiosity never got like this before. 

'I wonder.' She thought before disappearing into the night. Soon, she appeared on the roof of some household. A mansion so it seemed. She couldn't tell why this dark feeling would lead her hear, but the curious feeling grew bigger. 'But why lead me here?' She wondered. 

She found nothing special about this mansion. It didn't look that fancy to her just by looking on the outside. She sighed without saying another word before entering inside like some ghost, or a shadow. Of course, since it was nighttime, whoever lived there was asleep. At this hour they should be asleep at the very least. 

But, as she stood in the middle of the hallway, the feeling from before still lingered. Almost like a silent calling. She looked down both ways before deciding to go in one direction until she met the end of the hallway. But nothing was there. Nothing but the same feeling... 

'I don't get it.' 

When the sun had risen, the young woman was still there in the same mansion. She made sure to hide herself well because she didn't want to be caught. She didn't want to be seen nor let whoever was living here know that she was inside. She much rather escape. But she needed to be swift about it so she wouldn't cause any attention to herself. 

She began her way towards the empty hallway as silently as possible. She could hear voices in some rooms that had the doors closed. Thank goodness. Right before she could make an exit, one of the doors to the hallway opened, causing her to quickly hide. At the same time, she heard a voice call out, 

"Let's save the games for later, Master." 

Hearing that voice was almost like a calling. But now she knew where that dark feeling was coming from. She couldn't believe her eyes when looking upon the creature before her. 

But without giving it a second thought, she got out of there before she could be spotted. She wasted no time to sit and gaze. Not right now. 'Interesting.' She thought to herself before looking back at the mansion. 

Meanwhile, Sebastian turned his head with curiosity before smirking to himself. "Oh my. What is this feeling?" He spoke out loud. He felt it. What she had left behind. Almost as if her scent never left the mansion. 

Sebastian couldn't describe the feeling. But all he knew is that it felt too good. Almost as if spell had casted over him. Usually he would ignore it, but this was different. To him an unspeakable explanation. And he planned to figure it out. No second thoughts. 

The day went on like any other day in anybody's daily lives. 

"Nothing lasts forever
Even guilty pleasure, ahhh~" She sang while swinging her legs off some ledge. She sadly smiled to herself while singing her song. Until suddenly, she frowned... She looked as if she was deep in thought before her head suddenly snapped forward in order to forget. 

She blinked a few times before sighing to herself and standing up. Looking up at the sky then back forward, she decided to go back to the mansion from last night. The feeling from last night still lingered within her. She couldn't forget. 

It was before the sun was setting, she made her way into the mansion again followed the lingering scent. 'It feels further this time...' She said to herself in thought.

Every room, every hallway, and every corner, she had checked but felt like she was going in circles. She was never inside a mansion before. She felt as if she were in a maze. She didn't want to give up just yet. The night had arrived so soon and once again the feeling had grown strong. Just like before. All too familiar. 

She was careful not to make herself seen. She knew people were here. At least 6 or 7 faces. She couldn't only catch a glimpse of each one of them. Not long enough to remember their faces. "Hey! Get moving! We gotta move this thing!" A male voice hollered. Bardroy. 

"Right!" The other male replied. Finnian. 

The young man made sure not to be seen by them either. Sooner or later, she found herself in a dark room. Soon her eyes adjusted to the darkness and what she could make out was a kitchen. A faint whimper was heard, causing her to follow the sound. She later found out that it was a man in a turned off oven. She blinked a few times before leaving without giving a second thought to spare. 

'Why would someone crawl into an oven in their own home?' She wondered but knew she was probably never going to get an answer. 

Just as she left, Sebastian had walked into the kitchen where his momentarily prey had hid. "My, my. It seems that our guest was too impatient." He taunted before turning on the oven. Enjoying the fear in the guests eyes, but not actually expressing it, the butler finished what had to be done. 

By the end of the night, after all was cleaned and everyone off to bed, Sebastian went back to the kitchen. Where he had last felt it. Where he had last felt her presence. "Where did you go?" He questioned out loud in a low voice before smirking mischievously. His eyes glowed a pink color as his pupils had also changed feature. "Playing a game, aren't we?" His voice grew darker. "So... A new game then." 


The song the Oc was singing, Werewolf by Motionless In White

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