Chapter 6- Bad News

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Weeks could go by quickly if time was used correctly. The last three weeks of mine on the other hand felt like years. I wanted to get back out there and fight for Atlas. Mitchell helped me with my withdrawals from not being able to exercise or do anything extreme. Most of the time he was out on missions hunting Hades.

"How long am I going to be in here?" I groaned.

"Until your side is better," Mitchell smiled, leaning against the doorway.

"I feel like I'm in a prison!"

"You aren't. You have the freedom to do as you wish," Mitchell came over to where I still rested on the bed.

"Only freedom that I can do without getting out of this room." I growled. "You know, it's what year now and they can't even heal a hip? How is technology improving?"

Mitchell frowned, but listened to me carefully.

"What if Atlas isn't the strongest military network? What if there's something stronger?" I continued, my thoughts taking over.

"Atlas is becoming stronger with each day we fight," Gideon's voice made me jump. "But there is truth when you say we aren't the strongest."

"Gideon, what are you doing here?" I asked slowly.

"I need to talk to you," Gideon flashed a look at Mitchell, "in private."

"We'll play a board game when he's done," Mitchell patted my leg and then left silently.

"You better not ruin my day," I growled at Gideon as he came closer to where I sat up painfully.

"You have to hear it," Gideon shrugged.

"Well?" the suspense was starting to drive me crazy.

"Because of your wounds, Irons and Atlas has decided to assign you back to your civilian life."

"What?" I snapped.

"You heard me," Gideon blinked.

"You can't do this, you can't just kick someone out," I argued as I painfully got up to go in the bathroom and grab a hair tie.

"Irons' decision is the final word."

"Fuck that!"

"Your wounds have cost us too much Keona," Gideon stayed where he was, staring out the window. "We are more vulnerable with Hades having his eye on the prize now. Your wounds distract Mitchell and others from getting their work done properly and that makes it harder for us to get our target."

"Bullshit!" I growled, my voice rising to a yell. "Ever since I've set foot in Atlas all you've wanted to do is get rid of me! You set this up and you're trying to get rid of me!"

"You leave when you can successfully walk out of Sick Bay on your own," Gideon stated and then turned to walk out.

"You hate me!" I snapped. "I don't know what I ever did, but you've been trying your hardest to not make me feel comfortable here."

Gideon's hand stopped on the doorknob. Turning around sharply, Gideon's eyes were narrowed.

"I don't hate you Keona! But I can't tolerate-

A sharp jab in the lower stomach, as if I was having cramps on my period, made me double over. I let out a pained groan and suddenly felt dizzy.

"Are you alright Keona?" Gideon's hand touched my back.

Using his closeness to my advantage, I grabbed onto his arms weakly and felt myself collapsing.

"Keona?" Gideon's voice was fading out. "Mitchell get help!"

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