Chapter 21- Wake Up, My Darling

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The sky was clear of clouds, allowing stars and a full moon to glow brightly. The lights of my room were on and multiple people in white stood around me. I could hear the footsteps running through the hallway faster than a hurricane. He was going to squeeze me tighter than hell in a hug.

His face froze as he rounded the corner to meet my gaze. Using any possible energy there was, I allowed a small smile to form on my lips.

A short sigh escaped his lips and he smiled, rushing over to me. I wanted to hug him just as much he wanted to hug me, but a nurse stopped him.

"No, not yet," she spoke lowly. "She's very fragile."

Gideon looked past her to me and then smiled again. I let my smile drop and I blinked drowsily, watching as Gideon went to sit on the visitors' couch by the window. His eyes never left me.

"How are you feeling Keona?" a male doctor was gazing over me.

"Good," I croaked out.

"Do you remember anything?" he asked again.

Slowly, I shook my head. I remembered some things, but nothing more. This was going to be a long recovery.

After the doctors and nurses finished checking my numbers and how I felt, most of them left. One, the nurse who was supposed to take care of me, stayed.

"Are you hungry?" she asked. "You're allowed to eat a little bit if you want."

I shook my head. My throat was already sore from the pipe stuck down it while I had been out.  Swallowing and speaking was very painful at the moment.

"I'll be right out front," the nurse smiled. "Click this," she put my weak finger on a button on the hospital bed, "if you need anything."

I nodded, understanding clearly. She smiled and rubbed my hand before leaving the room with a nod to Gideon.

Gideon opened his mouth to speak after she left. "Well, well," his accented voice purred, "she is alive."

"Gi-G," I coughed and then winced painfully, my eyes starting to water.

"No need to speak, lass," Gideon smirked and walked from the couch towards me.

I held out my hand and he took it firmly. I couldn't move my groggy eyes from his deep blue ones. They held something in them, while he stroked my hand, that I couldn't understand. The blue eyes held relief mostly, like he'd been crying moments before. He knelt down to be more even with the bed.

"I'll admit you are stronger than you look," Gideon made me smile painfully. "I respect you for that much."

"I miss," I winced to the pain of speaking, "you."

"Not as much as I missed you," Gideon had a silver flake of salt flash down his cheek then.

"You're," my breath caught in my throat to Gideon's current reaction to seeing me at the moment.

"A man can't cry?" Gideon stroked my cheek, a small smile forming on his cheeks.

"There you are Gideon!" Mitchell was suddenly in the doorway.

Gideon smiled even more and faced the messy-haired man. "I was looking for you. Look who's awake."

Mitchell's face froze to seeing my blue eyes open for the first time in weeks. His lips opened slightly, needing more air to breathe.

"K-Keona?" Mitchell whispered.

"Hi," I whispered.

Gideon backed away as Mitchell came up to me, squeezing the same hand Gideon had once held. I wanted them to hug me and allow me to know I was safe once again, but that thought seemed imaginary.

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