Ouija board

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Ship: Paw patrol x Ryder

Rating: I don't know how to classify this story. Enjoy I guess

Au: ghost!Ryder

Jake, Everest, Katie and the paw patrol were celebrating halloween in town, when it was time for the scary stories. In this part of the evening, the citizens of town told each other spooky stories by a large campfire, while eating the candy they got from trick-or-treating.

"Alright, I got a good one." "Let's hear it Jake!" Chase cuddled a little closer to Katie. Ever since Katie rescued him from that car, he had stayed with her and they founded the Paw Patrol. That's why only Katie knew about Chase being a little paranoid about ghosts. "Okay, so it isn't really a made-up story, but it is a story that plays in New Mexico." "What do you mean?" "I think it did happen... maybe not exactly like in the story, but similar." "Just tell us already!" "Fine, I just wanted to warn ya, geez... Anyway... This story is about a little boy. He had brown hair and brown eyes. There was nothing too crazy about him, except he was a genius. His IQ was apparently higher than average." "Wow... that is crazy..." "Shut it Rockey! What about that boy?" "Well... he was found dead at home on the 31th October." "Isn't that the day of the dead in Mexico?"

"Exactly Katie. No one really knows how he died or who did it, but just a few days later a homeless man was about to die of starvation or something, when someone miraculously helped him. The man said that it was a boy, maybe ten years old, unusually pale, short brown hair and the man said that he was able to see through the boys hands." "Spooky..."

Once Katie was back at the lookout with the puppies, they all got ready for the night and headed to bed. Katie on the other hand had some paperwork that needed to be put away. Her mind didn't let her think about anything else, all of her thoughts ran back to Jakes story about the ten year old boy. Why? Why was she thinking about him? Sure, there could have been a murder involving that boy, but him helping a homeless dude as a ghost? She shook her head. There was no way this was real.

Ryder POV

The good thing about death is the freedom. You can do whatever the hell you want, go wherever you like and even haunt people. Sometimes it gets lonely though. I don't really have company, only on the day of the dead at home. Usually, the dead go to heaven or hell but I didn't. I was not allowed in heaven nor in hell. I died at the age of ten and my murderer still hasn't been caught. That is one of the two reasons why I was staying on earth. The other reason is, that I like helping people. My eyes wandered across the little town to my feet. I was standing on the rooftop of a building, which the locals called the "lookout". This tower was home to a rescue group of dogs, I believe it was dogs... anyways, thanks to them I know a lot about the people living in this town. Their leader was a blond haired girl named Katie. Katie... I slapped myself. "No Ryder! You are a ghost! You are dead!" I decided to check on Katie, just to see if she is alright.

Narrator POV

Ryder floated in front of the balcony door to Katies room. He was invisible right now, so no one should be able to see him. Katie on the other hand was not sleeping that well. She rolled around in her bed, trying to find a good sleeping position. The story kept on bugging her. No one knows how he died... 31th October... the day of the dead! Her eyes shot open. „Damn it, it is just a story." A faint cyan glow caught her eye, but as she turned her head towards the wall with her desk, it was gone. Ryder made it into the wall just in time. It was one of many times where he almost was caught in his spirit form by this girl. "I can't believe I am doing this..." Katie said and got an ouija board from her closet. If no one knows how he died, maybe I can find out by asking him... She knew she shouldn't play alone, so she called Jake over.

Unfortunately the puppies caught on and wanted to play too. "Okay but stay away from the board. I cannot risk you getting hurt incase we summon a demon and not the boy from Jakes story." That other brown haired boy knows my story? Ryder was surprised, though he knew that the media was at his house and published his death. Of course people would know about this. "Is there a ghost here?" The blond girl asked. Ryder turned invisible again and exited the wall. "I don't think there is..." "Shut up Jake. Maybe they need time to answer."

Ryder POV

One of the puppies yelled at the boy. Jake huh? I grinned and placed my hand on the board to move the triangle:


"Did you move it Katie?" "No I did not." "Can you ask his name?" "Sure Skye. What is your name?" Katie asked me again. Since I am nice, I will tell them:






"Ryder?" "Sounds like a boys name." "I swear Katie, you moved it!" Jake yelled at her. Now you have done it. I flew to the desk and threw a pencil at Jake, which caused the puppies to laugh. "Good one Katie!" "Guys... that wasn't me." "Wait, what?" "Then who was it?"



"Okay I swear it wasn't me!" Jake pulled his hand away from the triangle. "Of course Katie! You are pranking us, aren't you?" "I am not." "Then proof it." Katie sighed. I somehow enjoyed the little chaos I caused. She pulled her hand away as well and asked me: "Is it okay if we ask more personal questions?" More what? I needed a second to process it. "See? You were pranking us... "







I spelled out. Maybe she will ask if I can show myself or something... "Thank you. How old were you when you died?"



"Ten?" "Okay now I am freaking out." "K-Katie... I am scared..." The German Shepard said.







I didn't want him to be scared. Not because of me. "Can you show yourself or give us a sign?" That was it. The question I have been waiting for. I flew to the desk and drew the attention to me by picking up a pen and spinning it between my fingers. "Yup, still got it." I said, turning into my spirit form while talking. "No flipping way, you actually are a ghost." I turned to look at the one that asked. "Yes I am... but don't worry. I won't hurt anybody. In fact, one of the reasons I am staying on earth is because I like helping people. Just like you, Katie." "How do you know my name?"

Narrator POV

Ryder smiled softly and walked over to Katie. "I watched over you for quite some time now." He said while giving Katie the pen back. „Really?" „Yes. Oh and I am actually thirteen." „Will we be seeing you around?" „Not over daytime... but I can stay here if you like." „Yes! We can finally tell Danny X that we live with a real ghost!" „What type of ghost are you?" „I guess I am a poltergeist, though they usually don't have a spirit form", Ryder said and scratched the back of his head. „Anyway... we have to sleep now." „Okay. I'll look around and try not to knock anything over." „Good night Ryder." „Good night. By the way, tomorrow is my death day."  „We'll keep it in mind." Katie smiled and the puppies and her went to bed, while Jake drove back home to Everest.

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