My queen

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Ship: Ryder x Jake x Reader


Au: dragon!Ryder / dragon!Jake / dragon-queen!reader

A/n: You are the queen of ice dragons and therefore your color palate is: white, silver, light blue, light purple. Of course it is all ice-themed and I know it is not much freedom to choose from. I am sorry for that but ice and snow play a huge part in this one-shot... It is by the way my first one-shot with a ship involving three people.

When Ryder opened the curtains this morning, he saw snow. The entire Bay had gotten a soft coat of white. With a smile on his face, he prepared breakfast for his puppies and of course himself. „Good morning Chase." „Good morning Ryder sir. You seem to enjoy your morning, huh?" „I am. It snowed over night." His pup pad rang. „Hey Jake! What's up?" „Yo Ryder, can we come down to you and your puppies, or is this a bad time?" „You're always welcome y'know?" „Okay! We'll be there in a few minutes." Jake said and hung up. „So, can we play outside?" „Sure you can. Be careful though. I don't want you to break your bones."

The puppies cheered and ran outside. Ryder smiled at them and went to clean the lookout. About five minutes after he had finished cleaning the lookout, Jake and Everest had arrived. „Morning dude." „Hi Jake. You want hot chocolate?" „Hell yeah!" Ryder and Jake went to the kitchen. While Ryder was making the chocolate, he and Jake talked about literally anything. „...and that's how Everest found out about my ice powers." „Oh man, you do know we aren't supposed to tell anyone?" „I mean yeah... but I guess she would have found out anyway. The blue moon will soon rise after all." „About that, did lady Y/n say anything to you?" „No, not yet." Jake let his eyes turn blue. Any human would shiver underneath the icy reptile gaze, though Ryder stared right back. His eyes had turned blue as well, all emotion seemed to be drained from his eyes and face.

Their stare off let the temperature in the kitchen drop down. It felt like you could cut the tension with a knife. Until both of them bursted out into laughter. „you are getting better at this." „Why thank you, Ryder. I learned from the best." They got their cups and went to the living room. Ryder had missed hanging out with Jake like this. Thanks to being royal guards, they usually had all hands full with protecting their queen.

Ryder blushed as a picture of you appeared in front of his inner eye. Your beautiful face, perfectly framed by your h/c hair, the silver crown, your kind e/c eyes, the way your fangs showed when you smiled... „you are thinking of her right?" Jake has noticed the slight tint on Ryders cheeks. „Y-Yeah... I don't know why but the queen must truly like us, if she chooses us to be her mates." Jake nodded in agreement. He and Ryder were close, no doubt about that, but being chosen to mate with the queen is an honor. Two notification sounds were heard. One from Jakes phone and one from Ryders pup pad. Both times it was the same message from you:

Tonight, the palace

The boys looked at each other. "Do you think it is time to tell our puppies about that?" "No." Ryder knew they'd have to tell the puppies eventually. Now just didn't seem like the right time. Your message made Ryder check his calendar. "Oh no..." he whispered. "What?" "Tonight is the blue moon..." "So that means..." Jake and Ryder looked at each other in realization. "the mating ritual!"


You stood in front of a mirror in your room. The fabric of your d/c (dress color) dress rustled softly, as you moved. You wore a simple but expensive gown, as tonight the blue moon would rise. A sigh escaped your mouth as you thought of the many more ritual to come. The night, in which the blue moon rose, started the chain of events which ice dragons called the life circle. You as queen had to do the mating ritual together with two mates of your choosing, as in the believe of the ice dragons, it'll grant them futility. Females who had gotten pregnant during the  months of the life circle will come to your palace and your job was to bless each of them. The blessing involved good wishes for the child as well as the mother and her family. You shook your head to sort your thoughts. Ryder and Jake would come to you any minute now to do the ritual with you. With all the confidence you had, you left your room and walked down the halls to your throne.

With Jake and Ryder

"Jake you are insane." "Why?" "You drugged our puppies! I get that we can't let them know and all but this is too far." Ryder whisper-yelled at Jake. The two boys stood just outside the lookout in their armor:

 The two boys stood just outside the lookout in their armor:

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(A/n: like this but in withe with blue ice and all)

"Chill, they are going to be fine..." Jake said, letting his wings, tail and horns grow. Ryder just rolled his now blue eyes and took off. "Have I ever told you how much I missed flying by your side?" Jake asked Ryder. "No. But we have to hurry!" They flapped their wings faster, reaching an incredible speed. They landed in the throne room of the castle. "Welcome home you two." "My queen." Ryder and Jake kneeled down in front of your throne. You smiled, making your guards blush. Although it was not intentional, your smile brought a kind expression to your eyes and overall appearance.

"Let's start with some preparations." You said and got up. The boys followed you to a special temple in one of the hills which surrounded the castle and village. "If I may ask, what are we doing here your majesty?" "This time, we will do the ritual inside the futility temple. Maybe that will bring more dragon children to our home." you answered. A ray of blue light shone into the temple. Jake moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your neck. Ryder joined the hug, kissing your neck from your jawline to your shoulder. „Remember, I chose you because of your stamina" you said, tugging on Jakes clothes. He made a little growling noise, leaving some loving bites on your neck. "We won't fail you, my queen..." Ryder muttered, pulling you and Jake to the floor and starting the mating ritual.

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