maniac's mark

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Ship: ??? x Katie

Rating: ❤️‍🔥🩸

Au: ??? is a villain

Katie ran through a dark tunnel. "Chase? Chase, answer me!" She yelled into the pup pad, trying to get back to her puppies. Chase and the others had come here with her. Mayor Humdinger has resorted to more extreme behavior and once he introduced his son to Adventure Bay, things weren't the same anymore. Humdingers son was ruthless and crazy. There were many rumors going around, saying that this boy had lost his mind due to extreme treatment in his childhood, but Katie didn't listen. She had strongly believed that there still was something good inside Humdingers son. Now she ran away from the very same boy.

Her steps echoed in the empty walls, as she ran for her life. "Where do you think you are going Katie? There is no escaping me!" A psychotic laughter followed these words. Though his steps sounded calm, he had a threatening presence. "Well, well, well.... looks like someone wants to play a little game of hide and seek." Another hyena like laughter was heard and Katie held her breath. The steps came closer and closer until "Found ya. Since this round was so frickin short, I'll give you another damn chance" he leaned closer and grabbed Katie by her chin, forcing her to look into his brown eyes. "I'll close my eyes now. You then have a whole fucking minute to hide or escape. Good luck, brat. You'll need it."

Katie ran as fast as she could. "Katie? Can you hear me?" "Chase! I need immediate back up! This boy is stone cold crazy!" "To your location?" "Yes and I need it now!" She didn't know how much time she had left, as the brown haired maniac carried a knife with him. A relieved smile formed on Katie's lips as she found the exit. Just as she was about to open the door, a knife flew past her. „Not so fast Katie~" The whisper was so close... could he be? Katie slowly turned around, sweat ran down her face. Her panting seemed to be the only noise in the hallway.

But there he was, he stood only a few inches away from her. His hand shot forward, grabbing his knife and pulling it out of the wall. „I h-have called f-for back up." „You think I fucking care about your friends? Typical Katie. Always staying positive that she can fix things." He laughed again and Katie took in more details of his appearance. His black boots, black jeans, the leather jacket with silver spikes, the purple shirt with bloodstains and especially his messy brown hair. Katie blushed as she realized that she had stared at his face. „You like what you see, brat?" He asked her, clearly amused by the way Katie looked. Katie's sleeves were ripped and dirty, even her leggings had a few holes and she pressed her pup pad tight to her chest. „What are you going to do you maniac?" Katie asked, trying to sound brave. „First of all, rude, second, my name is Ryder and third" he stopped playing with his knife and pinned it to the wall, cornering Katie between him and the cold bricks.

„You don't need to worry about that, Kat~" Ryders low voice made Katie shiver. The intense smell of blood crept up her nose but she didn't dare look away from him. Ryder had different plans though. He moved his knife closer to her throat until the blade lightly touched her skin. If she tried anything funny the blade would dig right into her throat. In that case she would have less than a few minutes to seek medical help. Yet again he placed his hand at her chin, gently bringing her face even closer to his own. Katie blushed even harder, this gentle gesture almost made her forget that he had been chasing her through these hallways with a murderous intend.

"You are so beautiful when you get flustered, Kat" he said and smiled. This time his smile was so different and it didn't match the psychotic laughter she had heard before. "You do have a gentle side, don't you?" she asked, slowly letting her pup pad down. "Who said that I will be gentle with you? I like my victims to think that they're safe before backstabbing them." And there it was again, his wicked grin that showed just how much of a maniac he was:

" And there it was again, his wicked grin that showed just how much of a maniac he was:

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"To put it simple, the whole bullshit about everyone having a gentle side is not true. Aw, did I scare you? You should know better than fucking trusting me to be gentle." While saying that he grabbed her throat with his left hand, lifting Katie up a little. Katie tried to say something but Ryder tightened his grip a little more, before throwing her on the ground.

Ryder chuckled, again sounding like he had completely lost it. Before Katie could process what happened, Ryder was already sitting on her back. He had pulled her shirt up and the next thing Katie felt was the cold metal of his knife. He dragged it along one of her shoulders like he was writing something. Katie couldn't make out what is was though, as she fainted from exhaustion and pain.

When she woke up again Katie found herself in a hospital. "Katie!" "Skye! Where are the others?"   The little puppy seemed nervous about it but then told her. "They are trying to figure out where that killer went." "I ain't dead though." "I know but... others are. What happened to you anyways?" Skye asked and Katie told her what happened. From how she found him to the moment when she lost conciseness. "That explains why your scar looks like it does." "What?" Katie didn't understand, but Skye just told her to go to the bathroom and check it out herself. So the blond haired girl got up and did as Skye said and there it was. The scar on her shoulder formed an "R".  Like a tattoo in beautiful handwriting. R... Like Ryder. Her eyes teared up as she realized that Ryder probably didn't do this for no reason. He would come for her another time. This was this Ryders personal mark, that maniac's personal signature.

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